Raid Battle Tie Goes to Def

Well this was a first yesterday where the opposing hero’s special (only one left on board) hit my only hero left on board (Sif) and everyone died! I guess the win will always goes to the defense (lame-you could say the def hero died 2nd but really I’d say simultaneous!) and they should think about adding a fun little Raid Draw option for this type of special circumstance :laughing:

I wonder if anyone has seen this happen with other heroes, maybe Tyr or someone else that does damage to heroes after they die. :thinking:

it’s happened to me on counterattacks. in raids it counts as a loss, but in war, you still get the full points for taking out the entire opposition.

logically, it makes sense in both circumstances. in war, the objective is to take out opposing heroes, so if you manage to take out the opposing heroes, even if you lose all yours in the process, you should still get full credit for achieving the objective. in raids, it doesn’t make sense to give you the win because there’s no one left to take the loot if all your heroes are dead too!

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Did you defeat all of the enemies while staying alive? No. So you lost.