
A mercenary has asked to stay to fight in the war?! Will allowing them to stay & fight, cause negative effects of some kind?

Why would that cause any negative effects? We had that happen once in a while in my former alliance. Nothing bad ever come from it unless making new friends is bad. :p.

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If they are a real mercenary it will be generally be beneficial for you as generally these are higher leveled players who are just shaking things up to enjoy the game in different ways.


I think you’ll be fine. The only negatives I can think of are:

  1. They are so much stronger that your matching is skewed - unlikely as this is the average of everyone’s top 30 so a super large swing seems unusual, if even possible.
  2. Another merc opportunity comes and they leave. I’d hope this is unlikely too as they have a reputation to keep.

In all likeliness, they like wars and don’t have a permanent home so want to stay with yours for war. Maybe they’ll stick around longer - that could be good.


Idk? That is what I asked…

Making friends with mercs is beneficial. Let him stay. They will help ur alliance.

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If it’s an upper level player,which most war mercs are, it could be a good learning opportunity for your alliance.

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