Question: are there any 4* heroes worth keeping duplicates of?

This is definitely the direction I was leaning towards, which is why I asked the question here, because I want to hear all of the opposing arguments before making any final decisions.

  • Rigard
  • Jackal
  • Sonya (if you have the costume)
  • Scarlett
  • Jack o’hare
  • Proteus

That’s pretty much what i think is still useful, even if you have 30+ legendaries.

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I definitely would NOT keep dupes of Skittles or LJ or really any of the yellows.

Wu if you like to live dangerously I guess …

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Doubles I’ve kept are rigard, Sonya, kiril boldtusk, jackal falcon, wilbur tiburtus & Grimm. If I had a 2nd proteus I’d keep him as well


I’d say def the healers are worth keeping some of def rigard as cleanse is handy. Plus any one who can dispel worth it too. Plus mana cuts always handy, but wouldn’t keep more than 2 of each maybe except rigard.

Other 4* S2 or challenge heros like Wilbur proteus jackal falcon hansel others above mentioned are def worth keeping 2 of.
Welcome back anyways dude👍

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I only have 3 4* core heroes wich I fully leveled more than one time:

  • Rigard x3
  • Grimm x3
  • Tiburtus x3

I’m leveling another Wu Kong as I don’t have many yellows for my war teams and you could do some exceptions for a cleansing Sonya.
I feeded around 20 double core 4* to make room for my TC feeders when leveling Jean-François but with 2 TC20 they are startred again to fill my rooster’s capacity…
Keep some of the other heroes without a costume just in case, you’ll never know.

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Honestly, I’m fairly reckless when it comes to wars. I use my strongest rainbow team against the strongest opponent I think I have a chance of taking, then after that I look for opponents to stack against. One opponent put two greens on their defense? Meet my red stack. Another opponent has a tough, heavily emblemed purple tank? Meet my yellow stack.

And of course I coordinate all of this with the rest of my team. If I don’t have the right team to stack against an opponent’s tank, I’ll let someone else who does take a crack at them first, and I’ll try to mop up the rest with whatever colors I have left, or vice versa. I don’t have nearly enough space in my roster to hold enough heroes to stack against every possible mono tank combination. That’s where teamwork comes into play. If the opponent goes mono blue? I might only have one strong green stack, but so do each of my teammates. Green stacks on the tanks, other colors for the mop ups.

Nah it’s not a perfect strategy, but it works more often than it doesn’t… and being in a mostly F2P/C2P alliance, we all have limited resources, we just do the best with what we’ve got (most of my alliance mates have to drop down to their 3* rosters by the time they get to their 3rd and 4th flags anyway).

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LOL nope not a fan of Skittles or LJ…

Wu I used to like, but is it just me, or has he gotten even clumsier than usual lately? I know RNG gonna RNG, but I really wish I had a way to track his miss rate, because for at least the past month or so, he’s been making me miss way more than usual…

Stopped using him on titans once I was lucky enough to pick up Miki, but had to bring him back in on our last titan. Damn unicorn… threw away my first set of titan flags wondering why Miki kept dying. Reflects blue damage… “oh yeah, duh.”


I will keep multiple healers for war
Rigard x3 ( due to costume)
Melendor x2
Sabina. x2
Boldie. x2
Kiril x2

Other utility heroes
Wilbur x2
Jackal ( x3 or more)
Proteus sitting on x4 but maxed only one, not considering second one yet because of a maxed Hel.
Grimm x2 ( trial needs…)
Sonya x2 ( leveling up the second due to costume, might do the third)

Apart from these, I kept dupes of all vanilla 4* s, although right now, I don’t have roster space constraints but I guess one day I will just free the space.

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I have 11 5*'s, and 45 4*'s. I am at various stages of leveling them, but 7 5*'s and 17 4*'s are fully ascended. I pretty much only use 4* or higher heros for everything. I am still ascending 4*'s that I like, and if I get a new to me good one I will fully ascend them. This game is a long play one so I feel it is better to level 4*'s you need now rather than wait for the very best 4*'s or 5*'s.

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I have every season 1 4 star maxed and all but 2 of the season 2 4 stars. Other than healers and Proteus, I don’t see much point in doubling any of them. Event 4 stars like Jackal and Hansel are worth keeping extras. Maxing multiples like Grimm or Scarlett for events might be reasonable, but that depends more on your personal goals. I wouldn’t save anything for the hero academy which may never come.

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I havent read above post. And sorry if im saying the same that someone else said.

In my opinion these are the 4* that are worth to have duplicated:

Grimm (a blue Powerhouse. His high attack makes him a good option to bring to war titan and events)
Rigard( Best healer around and with the possibility of using his costume version too)
Boldtusk ( Its a good think to have It for war deepth)
Sonya and Sonya costumed
Scarlett for events

Then jackal, hansel and Falcon for war deepth


+1 on all of these. I’m pushing 15 deep on each color for AW with dupes of these guys, they come in very handy. Throw in the costumes to beef their stats and, in some cases, enhance their specials and you’re good to go. Happy leveling.


To me 4* are the backbone of my team’s, I have 2 of Kiril, BT, Rigard, Mel, Cad, Sonya and Proteus, can’t have enough debuffers and dispellers for the wars imo.


Yeah if I had Miki (or Tarlak, or Athena, or maybe even Ranvir) I’d be using Wu a lot less. I’ve noticed lately he seems a lot more susceptible to streaks. I’ll do one titan hit where everything is a miss and then the next titan hit everything lands and I get a new high score :roll_eyes:. But overall I think it’s still about the same as always.


Ah okay, so Wu isn’t completely broken for everyone, just RNG choosing to be a thorn in my side (as usual). Good to know. :+1:


You are the tempter in the wilderness to RNGesus :rofl:


I must remember to be thankful. If it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all. :grin:

Well… at least… even with horrible luck, one can still at least pull season one heroes from training camps. So that’s something.

And as they say… if life gives you lemons… pick them up and throw them back at life while screaming, “I TOLD YOU I WANTED LIMES!!! DO THESE LOOK LIKE LIMES TO YOU??? NO, THESE ARE LEMONS!!! LIMES ARE GREEN!!! LEARN THE FRIGGIN’ DIFFERENCE!!!”

At least I think that’s how the expression goes. I might be paraphrasing a bit.


I would definitely say multiple healers like Rigard and debuffers like Caedmon and Sonya can really come in handy. Also multiples of heroes in a color you are overall weaker in might not be a bad idea. But there are some that are definitely not worth having more then one of imo

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All but wilbur i have maxed dups and trips of. And almost all get used in wars toadd to my 20odd 5*s

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