Quenell, Cristobal or another option

Same situation with me. I just did Onyx (thought she was meh, but she is a powerhouse. She took twice 3 heroes in a raid - like Milena. So i also pulled Senan plus all 3 4* as well as Zhabog (new guy, very interesting, look him up) - so i guess these guys, and Senan could also turn imto a (fast!) Powerhouse. Only problem, i have only 1 single tabard. Last time i got a few from a titan, but you cant rely on it.

After 10 months of NOTHING, things seem to be moving finally. I made 30 pull after 30 pull and never got anything. I was literally in tears at times.

So yeah…i read one of your posts and you seemed to be on the verge of quitting and i didnt want to know more. I am so glad you got back to me and things seem to be :smiley: okay.

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I am sorry you had such a rough go of it. I wish you could remember what post made you feel I was on the verge of quitting. I know I made a couple posts about Kalo when that nerf happened. I wasn’t happy and I was going to slow spending, but it’s fine he’s been relegated to rush attack.

So I don’t remember being that close to quitting. My pulls are almost always good BUT I do hundreds of pulls. Doing a 30 pull here and there is rough. I would never pull heroes if I did that but duh, lol. More you summon, the greater the likelihood to score right.

Let’s talk about it cause I have bad pulls too. Today for example, thankfully I literally expected nothing from Atlantis. Only did the pulls for feeders and the ascension chests. But I was blown away after filing them I only got marjana. Did 30 more pulls because I was just blown away nothing came up, then I stopped. So 130 pulls today with nothing. Again, not upset at all just shocked because this portal has always been good to me. Did about 20 got Oceanus. Prior to him I did around 100 and got 5 Ariel costumes in 100 pulls. It ebbs and flows as you are aware.

Gwinivere posted a thread along the lines of, what would make you stop spending in the game. I don’t know if I have an answer. There would have to be some gross “we don’t care about the game anymore” feelings coming from the developer and although a lot of people think SG is garbage, I do think they want to avoid these nerfs and make people happy. When that stops, that stops for me, I’m done. I’ll quit the game because I only buy things from companies/people that align with my beliefs. So f they don’t, I literally couldn’t even play anymore because I’d be sour every time I logged in.

Anyway, sorry for the long winded response. But I’m just glad to hear from you and that things are turning around. I have to buy 90% of my mats by the way. It sucks but it is what it is and I love the game, so be it lol.

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Went with Quenell because I realized I may not need to pull in CoK portal anymore. Realized that I had Eloise and Wolfgang, so I took Quenell. Maybe, just maybe Asterius jumps through in the Challenge Fest. Quenell didn’t disappoint at 1/1, cutting through the early stages of Farlhome. So I’m happy