Q&A with Game Designers - Summer 2022 Edition (Discussion for Part 2)

We have now published the second part of the answers for our Summer 2022 Q&A! Please read them here:


Well about the same as the first q&a, but I suppose expectations were set low and maintained.


I’m really happy that they answered on 2 of my questions, but I’m dissatisfied with their response.
No extra heroes in TC, no new heroes in HA, no costumes in either of them = probably no costumes for me for non-S1 heroes. The collector in me is crying. :sob:


So disappointed again. Only 2 questions were answered in the ‘Balance’ section. Summing up the 2 parts of this Q&A - everything that bothers players or community suggestions are either ‘low on the priority list’ or ‘we think about it from time to time [when sitting on the toilet - ed. note]’.

The saddest part is that we won’t see buffs for older heroes, but we will, unfortunately, see the diarrhea of costumes.


I noticed two words being repeated over and over again - near future.
Does anybody know what “near future” mean exactly?
A few days? A week? A month? A quarter? A year? A decade?


Yeah, they didn’t really give any meaningful answers. I’m quite disappointed, to be honest.



They basically said they DONT HAVE TIME to do things we need the most (buff Older heroes, quality of life improvements) because they’re too focused in creating more and more and more super fun overpowered 40 rushed heroes every month and more and more and more costumes.

Or they just don’t want to do it.

Well… Still sad how this game went so down.

Not mentioning their answers are basically more questions.



Nothing more needs to be said.


Came to check. It was a waste of time (even that few seconds). Sad & disappointing. Typical “politically correct answers” meaning everything will stay the same. We don’t really care but we are diplomatic about it.


Also, less likely, not really, many ways to say never


We don’t need part 3. That’s what i can say. :smiley: Everything will be in the near future and nothing is really on priority list beside making new 5*. We get it. Yon only care about $.


This. Yea, pretty obvious at this point. They are squishing as much money they can without worrying about balance or quality. A high proof of that is monthly buffs to event heroes while older ones are getting SECOND COSTUMES after 3 year without a single or mere +10% damage buff on their special skills.

I’m deeply disgusted but also profundly sad.

Even being f2p, this game still costs valuable things: time and mood + patience. As it is now, it affects our mood because it’s depressing and not fun. For me, a high cost + lot os screen time needed. I’ve reduced it drastically and even I miss playing, I don’t miss playing the current game. I miss playing empires from 1-1.5 years ago. It is more an instant disappointment app than a game currently. And no plans of improving, like we could see in those QA. Basically, time to say goodbye soon.


Sorry, I am fixated on that one word they keep referring to when bringing us some phenomenal new balance updates. That magic word is: data. Now let’s make some more data they can work with.

So… Did you like what you got?

  • Yeah, I am glad & satisfied with the answers. I look forward to the future improvements!
  • No, I am disappointed. We didn’t get real answers, just some diplomatic blah blah.

0 voters


They really didn’t answer the questions. If they were heroes I bet they’d be rogues. Evade, evade, dodge.


Really disappointing Part 2. No Soul Exchange for 4*, nothing for hero slots unless you buy them, and a bunch of we are not going to do that’s.


@Sorvina, if you read the one about HA09, in parenthesis near the end, it says that eventually, all or nearly all previous released legendary heroes will be added. So, we will see almost or all legendaries in it at some point in the future.


Or your grandkids will.


Is it just me, or is it completely absurd to announce both of these in an 8 day interval?

And I particularly like this:

Players: We’re kind of sick of buying roster slots. Any solution in mind?
SGG: Well of course! Buying more roster slots!

Great comedy.

In other news, “we sure hope to do things you’ll love, but it won’t ever happen because schedule, priority list, broken flux capacitor and whatnot.”


Sooo, à propos of nothing, how do you guys quote from this page? I have to take screenshots and my lazy self doesn’t like it.