Q&A with Game Designers - Spring 2021 Edition (Answers) - "Ask Me Anything" AMA transcript


  • Can we expect more buildings?

    • TIM: We’ve been a bit quiet on new buildings for a while - we’ve done some work already on an ‘expedition building’ but wrapping that up probably goes to next year. Similarly, we have something cool already done for a ‘museum’ but I’m fairly sure that’s not going to the game this year. So yeah, we have plenty of plans here, some even quite huge, or super huge, but we’ve put pretty much all of these to the side for a moment. I’m really hoping we’d get to some of these next year!
  • Stronghold. This is the only building that should be built but that cannot be entered. Why? For example, a storyline or other useful information could be read in this building.

    • TIM: We’ve had some plans related specifically to this…it would be super logical to get access to some fun stuff, like the storyline, from somewhere, yeah. Stay tuned.
  • Why did you choose to let us upgrade 3 on 4 food storage to advanced, 3 on 5 iron storage, 1 on 4 house… and so on, and not upgrade all of them?

    • TIM: Who says we’ve reached the maximum Stronghold level yet? If and when we’ll increase that, we’ll increase the max of Advanced Storages.
  • Are there any plans to improve the hero academy to provide better value to players, such as; adjusting the odds on the legendary training, changing some of the less popular training options to make them more useful ( such as HA levels 5 or 8), or allowing the building to run 3 functions at the same time similar to the Alchemy Lab?

    • TIM: Not specifically no. I know that this is and has been a major ask from a lot of players, but we just have to be very careful with the economy of the game, and giving better value, in the sense that it’d be way more effective for free collection of heroes, is something that is very risky for us to try to do.