Puzzles from Wonderland

Ok well good luck then with your issue.

Seeing as I was the one in this “other thread” who apologised on behalf of all the moderators for if any feelings were hurt I think you’re mixing up your messaging…

Your original issue was that your post got flagged & removed. This was NOT a mistake as it was in violation of the Forum Rules ; specifically rule 15.

As for your ongoing accusations of being treated with “ignorance” and “prejudice” I’m afraid that these are wholly baseless & without any evidence… but that’s your view and apparently we can’t do anything to help/ resolve this (as you don’t want to hear from us).

As I said, all the best with your “issue” & hopefully some other player (other than a moderator) can give you some kind of response/ answer that meets your satisfaction… tho I am unsure that there will be one.