Purple Tank for War - Sartana, Domitia or the Rapier Laser Destroyer

Kids, I need to pick a Purple tank for war.

And I need a yellow flank or two.

Below are the options and the likely candidates to complete the line up. I’ve got a week, so I expect Leo to be maxxed.

Sartana might normally get the nod, but Proteus hogs all the wizard emblems. Could Dom’s evade and yellow shield outweigh the average mana?

Also, here is a rapier laser destroyer. Unfortunately, this is currently committed at the Istvaan Dropsite Massacre and not available.

Also, also please avoid well meaning but ultimately unhelpful comments like ‘if you had Hel, I would pick her’. This is what I got :kissing_heart:

Single-shot tanks are crap other than [heroes you haven’t got so I’m not allowed to mention] but domitias average speed and low spec damage makes her even worse than sartana and not worth throwing in for a 6% chance of dodging specials when tanks are usually killed by tiles anyway.

Joon-Boldtusk-Sartana-Thorne-Eve, I guess. You could flip a coin over Thorne or Leo but there’s not much advantage to either, if boldtusk can boost Thornes special he will hurt a bit. Justice is bad anywhere other than tank so she can sit it out. Joon is too weak to flank a tank that doesnt protect him so sit him in the corner and stick with neutral flanks.


I’d probably go Boldtusk-Leo-Sartana-Evie-Joon


I feel like while there could potentially be something to consider with Dom’s yellow def buff, she won’t punish bringing non-yellows against her whereas Sartana has more of a chance to do that and since it’s war tank and you want to at least try and make people use strong color, Sartana is probably what I would go with since Dom kind of encourages neutral color attack, or even weak color. That’s how I think about it

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Between Dom and sartana no doubt abt sartana more hp more def and fast mana… domitia most likely dies with 3/4 stones when stack against you… sartana might handle 4/5 unless yellow stacking

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Are crossovers allowed from Puzzle Conquest now?

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Boldie Joon Domi Justice Eve

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Aaand, I’d have to agree between the two I’d go Sartana. I have both, but neither on defense. Sart is a little more durable of the two.


@JonahTheBard: how have you decided and what was / is your experience?

i have a similar sitution here… purple tank needed and just Sartana and Domitia and no other purple 5 stars…

Hi @Hermann

I’ve concentrated on Domitia as tank and have been pleasantly surprised. It’s not impossible to end up in platinum, but that’s usually me being reckless with revenges.

Although she’s slower than Sartana, I’ve beefed her up and the yellow shield is quite effective.

Due to my particular roster, I have been able to give her almost all my rogue emblems, while Sartana has to share with isarnia, Proteus and Kiril.

If the situation was reversed and Sartana was the only wizard, then she might have got the nod if I could boost her survivability.

Here’s my current team.

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Thanks @JonahTheBard for your answer.

I tried hard to get Ursena with no luck… so now i thinkt it’s time to continue with Domitia who is at 2.60… and use her as a war tank… mats are almost avaiable (one tabbard and one trap tool missing but next morlovia quest will fix this…) … up to now i thought i should wait for a better purple 5*… but now i think i should not wait any longer…

thanks again…


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