PROPOSAL - New Building: Alchemy Lab

This is a FANTASTIC idea. Unfortunately, this thread is almost a year old now, and nothing like this is in the game. That is too bad. there has been a LOT of grumbling amongst people the people playing (and paying) for this game. The fact that SG has not turned this wonderful idea into reality is really sad. It could improve things soo much.

I would think in the alchemy lab, it should be able to convert any items. The conversions could be costly (3x 1* items to get a single different 1* item, 15x 1* items to get a single 2* item, etc, however this type requirement may be more in tune for ‘converting’ crafting ingredients), and the time and food/iron requirements. Since it is also an ‘alchemy’ lab, then there should be s small percentage chance of partial (or total failure). This chance should get smaller as the level of the lab is increased (i.e. you become a better alchemist). For the really ‘important’ AM, which can not be farmed, it should be a 1 to 1 (in count and star value), but could still contain a percentage chance of total failure (which of course is reduced as the level of the alchemy shed is increased). This percentage chance could actually be ‘reversed’, at a certain level, where you become more of a master alchemist, and then you might get 2 AM from a single conversion (again a chance). That chance could grow as the level of the ascension shed was increased.

This addition should about eliminate the ‘need’ to try to add a market place, and should be much easier to shoe horn into the existing game, just like the troop leveling was done.

SG, why have a feature/request forum if fantastic additions such as this are simply ignored for a year???