Progress from Two Years as FTP

Yeah, I don’t even care if I get the latest OP HotM (e.g. Telluria). Just some new interesting heroes to work on consistently. And not all three- and four-stars, either. At some point, only more five-stars move the needle.

I am interested and hopeful, but like you, not optimistic.

I’d take that deal every day and twice on Sunday. But you are right - if I were hitting bigger Titans, Ranvir would be more important. For me, Wu is enough, even once I take his emblems for Joon. With my glut of yellow legendaries, I just can’t justify giving Ranvir darts right now.

Fingers crossed for that. She looks awesome. I’m already a pretty big fan of vanilla Viv.

I may fall into platinum overnight, but I always open chests in diamond.

I agree. I am pretty pleased with my progress, all things considered. I know I have fared better than many F2P I know of.