Problem with Brynhild

I encountered the problem when Brynhild’s special is active along with an increase in defense. Brynhild’s special should prevent any attempt to undo the defense increase, but if Killhare’s special is activated under the conditions described above, the defense increase is instead canceled and overwritten. Considering Brynhild’s ability this should not happen

Brynhild simply prevents the affected allies from having buffs DISPELLED.

This is a specific effect, such as on Sabina or Melendor where it says “Dispells buffs from enemies”

What you’re witnessing is simply a negative ailment replacing a positive buff. Different mechanic altogether.


For me this is not correct: to put the penalty, the defense increase must first be canceled and this cannot be done by reading Brynhild’s ability. This is my opinion.

In fact, in cases where an increase is transformed into a decrease it is called “overwrite” which literally should mean canceling and then rewriting. There is no mention of “replace”

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