Private Messages & Friends Lists, Player Search - Please add your comments & ideas here!

Tip: Both my former and current alliance leader created a gmail account and put the email in the alliance description so kicked people can be let back in or go on vacation.

OMG do not get me started on whispers, in game mail and forum PMs. In my “Other” MMO I have been a forum moderator for 5 1/2 years and a chat moderator for 3 1/2 years. The number of developer cycles that are wasted when whispers, in game mail and forum PMs get abused is insane. At one point they had 33% of the Devs dealing with it. The problem with F2P MMOs, cheap SIM cards, and trolls, is how quickly it becomes a losing game of Wack-A-Mole with nuclear weapons. Especially when the trolls start forming their own troll alliances so their victims know they are being gang bullied. Two favorite parts of Empires are the lack of in game whispers and private mail and the lack of PMs on the forums. When thirty plus people can see everything you say and you cannot hound an alliance member that leaves, people tend to be much more civil.