Prestige Worldwide - [PW] Catalina Wine Mixer - [PW] Nighthawk And Dragon is looking for you

Prestige Worldwide one of the premier E&P alliance wants you to come Join our Family of Alliances.

All of our alliances offer a friendly and fun atmosphere. We treat each other like family.
We have chat rooms in the Line App (not required for any member to use). We have tons of information stored there for reference an education.

Are you just getting started or struggling to learn how to play this game? Do you need a place to learn the ropes?
Come Join…
[PW] Nighthawk and Dragon
Here we offer experienced mentors to teach the game. Our leadership team has played this game for a very long time and can teach you the best ways to maximize your game playing fun regardless if you are F2P, C2P or P2W. Everyone is welcome here!

We offer a low stress environment. We understand life comes first and you may not even be sure of how to play every aspect of the game. You will never get abused or chastised here.

Currently we battle 5-7* Titans and are doing quite well in Alliance Wars. All our members are active, friendly, and helpful. No Trophy Requirements

Have you been playing a little while and are looking to step up your game? Are you looking for an active alliance that is dedicated to having fun destroying titans and winning wars?

Come Join …
[PW] Catalina Wine Mixer
We offer a fun and laid back atmosphere. Our leadership team offers the experience and knowledge to help you up your game and provide strategy for wars and titans.
Our members are active friendly and chatty.
We are currently battling 9-10* titans with a winning track record in war.
All types of players are welcome. We request that you hit the titan daily, use all 6 war flags (regardless of the outcome), and have a minimum ~1800 trophies.

Are you looking to battle with the best in the game? Do you want to be surround by elite players who are friendly and helpful? Do you want to be part of one of the top Alliances? Do you want to fight 11-12 Titans daily?*
Then Come and Join…
Prestige Worldwide
We offer a home to the top players in the game that is stress free, friendly and relaxed.

So are you ready to join?

Drop us a reply here, find a member in game, or send a message to iamericap in the Line App