Premi non ricevuti

Scusate oggi finita la guerra avevo 216 gemme e vincendo la guerra mi ha dato come premio 30 gemme ma non sono state accreditate nel mio account,adesso avevo 3 anelli per ascendere i 5* rossi ho la missione rossa che ho appena finito e anche in questo caso non mi è stato dato il premio dell’anello…scusate ma sta diventando abbastanza difficile giocare se poi finisci le missioni e non ti vengono calcolati i premi…davvero risolvete questi problemi per favore

Scrivi in inglese… Non possono aiutarti altrimenti… :confused:

sorry if I write to you again but they are really happening Unusual things today I had red element crate mission with final prize rings for the ascension and when I finished it all I did not receive the ring. another problem over the war that we have won as a prize I have been given various items, even good but I did not get the 30 gems that showed me as a prize, I’ll explain better, when it is over I gave the strip that I he showed the awards received but when I went to see the gems I had were the same as before without the 30 gems added to me. I’m sure because I was counting to see how much I was missing to make the call and I had 216 when I came back to check were always 216 when they should have been 246. thanks for the attention but try to solve because otherwise I pass the want to play. at least that I do not get rid of the prizes I earn at stake. I thank you fifth76

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I’m not sure what happened with your prizes. Do you have screenshots? Did you report these errors to Game Support?

Questo è stato spostato in Lingue straniere, dove puoi pubblicare in qualsiasi lingua a tuo piacimento.

Non sono sicuro di cosa sia successo con i tuoi premi. Hai degli screenshot? Hai segnalato questi errori all’assistenza di gioco?