Praying defense team with new bright heroes

I got new 5* heroes from Valhala summon portal and I was wondering if this team could be useful for defense.

What do you think?

I think BK should be tanky enough on it’s own, so there is no need for Telluria and Sif at the flanks for the cost of speed. I personally run a healer (Ariel) with BK, too, but for the rest I prefer fast heroes, who hit hard.
Just my personal opinion tho.

Congrats for pulling these beasts anyway :wink:

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Black Knight, Telluria and Kingston could stay but the other two doesn’t fit very well with the others.

Fenrir is a fighter as Kingston and Sif is a tank/flank but offers no direct damage wich is what a Black Knight’s flank should do… and Black Knight is a better tank than her.