Practice Swords

What’s the best place to refill practice swords? After running 4 TCs to level up Hathor I found myself out of them. Currently, I barely acquire enough to run one mono color TC. S2 Province 6 gets you some but not nearly enough. How do other players that do lots of hero pulls level up their heroes without running out of swords? Are you just buying ascension items (which I am not planning to do)?

Any feedback is appreciated!

I have 51K so this isn’t a problem I have, but I suggest not running color specific training. Generally it’s slower and more resrouce intensive to get the slight on color xp boost.


Atlantis Rises is still the best place to earn swords. 48hr window every 4 weeks where you can farm swords and packs for the rest of the month.

Clicking on the item also gives an overview of where the drop chance is highest

I don’t use Swords much myself. I do have one TC2 with backpacks running all the time, though.


S2 Province 6-1 if you want to farm for practice swords

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I’ve often wondered about practice swords.

Like, where do they come from? They cant’ be crafted :confounded:

But why can’t we craft them? We have the wood for the sword, leather strips for the grip, maybe use some iron in the core for some weight.

Where do we get most of our wooden practice swords ? Loot after winning a battle. But who takes a wooden practice sword into battle ??? And where did they get it from ?

Perhaps I’m overthinking this :crazy_face:


We can craft them, in Alchemy Lab lvl3.

True, but you need to be reasonably advanced in the game to have reached the stage where you can even think about building an Alchemy Lab.

Question still stands: “Who takes a wooden practice sword into battle ?” :rofl:

FWIW I usually use practice swords as input in AL to produce backpacks.

now I’m imagining Elena smashing the enemy with two wooden swords…

maybe that’s why “Commander Grey” and company were defeated by Dark Lord in the opening credits :stuck_out_tongue:

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They give practice swords to the new recruits (troops) so they don’t hurt themselves.

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I didn’t think it was possible to have less than 40,000 practice swords. I just started using some to create Common heroes. I’m going to limit that because it costs too much in food per hero produced.

Like someone said above, it costs too much for you to level up heroes the way you are.

FWIW BarryFarmzHere lists S2:6-10H as best for practice swords. Alternatively S1:4-1.

Caveat, I am not sure how up-to-date this is now. It should still be good through S3.

The problem with those levels is WE cost. Hence the mad rush for AR once a month