Pompitous Top 10 raid challenge

I already explained why this was and still is an exaggeration:

Along with how amazing and incredible Noor is. Dare I say OP? Nah…
but not good enough to provide her pseudo heal at the top…

I can’t do this for Noor… would break the scroll button…
But your last post in the Noor balance thread announced that you have a new project.

:point_up_2:nobody asked. You carried on into Bera.

Balance is a tar pit… separate so we can mute the whole category!!

HUGE So big advantage. Makes Noor blush in her thread.

But this next one…

:point_up_2: That really sums it up doesn’t it?

The most honest comment about Myztero out of all of them!
So true!
100% ego

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