Please Nerf telluria

lol, I see what you did there :wink: :laughing:


Again I sayā€¦ Telluria isnā€™t and has never been the problem.
If she was the problem, it wouldnā€™t matter what flanks she had.

If itā€™s GTV you hate, then the real issue is Vela.
Telly buys time for Grave & Vela to fire. Thatā€™s it.

Why wonā€™t people stop picking on Telluria and understand that it is this particular synergy that is the problem?

When itā€™s not GTV, Telluria is oddly exposed and easier to kill. HANDS DOWN.


Telluria isnā€™t just an A+ tank, sheā€™s the best tank in the game by far, enough to change the meta so badly that 15 of my last 15 wars have all been green.

This is a new request because Telluria has already been nerfed once, that idea should be closed.

Yeah yeah yeah, the same people who didnā€™t want her nerfed in the first place are back to yell down anyone that thinks otherwise, instead of having a real discussion.

Iā€™m not sure what the correct answer is, but itā€™s a valid request. I rarely see any other tank, and that canā€™t be good for the game.


Iā€™d say her nerf was a solution but not a good one since the monotony was kept. I own her and Iā€™m using the privilege of Tell Vela combo but Iā€™ll say Telluria has a Slow mana Skill for Average mana. By herself she is a treat too, not only with Vela. That makes her a BIT unbalanced and Iā€™d not be against another nerf - the question is: how?

That question would absolutely make another riot in the forum and shake the already fragile relationship of players x the game. So, probably not going to happen.

Iā€™m pretty sure counters should be coming soon - behind the paywall but I think theyā€™ll.

Raid Formations are in beta and probably will change raids a bit. Or make it even worse.

Letā€™s wait and think before fight. Keep your bloods cold.

Iā€™m honestly a lot more sad with HOTM becoming bellow average heroes than telluria being a OP hero.

Edit: Iā€™d say Finley is a lot more broke than telluria. Doing almost the same as Isarnia for Fast mana in unbelievable. But heā€™s too rare and doesnā€™t show up that much like Telluria so people kinda forget about him. I mean, there are some potent folks outta there but Telluria is too frequent. That makes her so annoying and I understand.

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It has been said many times before but i will say it again. Telluria is not OP, so no nerf needed. She did not change the meta by herself, the GTV combination changed it. We have seen many Telluria level tanks in this game but never seen a such a powerful defensive synergy. Yeah it is boring to see only GTV but its not because of Telluria being OP. Imagine someone with Telluria but without Vela and GM. Why should his tank get weaker and weaker just because others have a combination that is powerful?


You shouldā€™ve been here when Guinevere was queen.

People hated her more than anything.

Sheā€™s still a pain.

Until Seshat, there was no real counter to her.

Weā€™re just waiting for a Non-Noor solution.


Well, I have Telly maxed and emblemed. I also have GM and Vela both maxed and emblemed. But I havent placed GTV as my core defense, not even once. I placed Snow White instead on one flank and either Drake or Kage or Mitsuko on another. I think I am the only one having SW flanking Telly and regularly change my defense every now and then. It helps other players get over the Telly hate and fill their raid chest since my troops are only at level 23 as the highest.


Figuratively, metaphorically, and literally. In linguistic physics itā€™s a triple-point.

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I was here. Except for the top teams, you didnā€™t see yellow tanks in 100% of every war though did you? The problem was Telluria being HOTM as opposed to a hard-to-get event hero.

@Mr.Sabaton Oh, I guess if you say it, it must be true, despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. I guess we can end all discussion on the matter now.

Iā€™m not even saying that it should be done. I have her too and it would upset many people. But it should be a discussion.

But Guin was prevalent enough then to cause the consternation.

Telly was a HOTM, so sheā€™s everywhere now.

Field diversity would fix this. Telluria would still be queen of green, but if we were forced to use tanks of all other colors, the game would be better and the Telluria dominance would be much less.

I have always advocated rotating tanks for war, even restricting rarities would be fun. Of course, people would complain, but people complain about getting stuff for free so who cares?


All evidence? Have you fought against Telluria without GM and Vela or Finley flanks? Its not that difficult. Just get the red tiles thats all. Which can be said about most of the good tanks like kunchen or BK. Dont get me wrong, Telluria is a very good hero, but not op. As others mentioned here the main problem is that she was introduced as a HOTM so many players got her and the fact that she was released only 1 month apart from her perfect flank option being Vela. When Vela was released Telly was already in beta so people could plan on this synergy which they did,thats why Telly+Vela everywhere. If they had released Telly lets say 6 months apart from Vela it wouldnt be so much of a problem now.

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Looking back to @littleKAF, I think weā€™re keeping this open for now as the previous Telly threads all turned very nasty.

Just a couple of points; this dead horse has been relentlessly flogged and I can see no rebalancing of Telly at least within 12 months.

Also, the published raid index suggests sheā€™s not the most successful hero:


True that. Sheā€™s still a pain thatā€™s not talked about now because sheā€™s not as common now, but she was pretty much everywhere in the leaderboard.

Not as prominent because of how harder to get she is, and Telluria was easier to get and is also better.

Guinevere didnā€™t really lose out on usage either before ā€“ even when counters came out. She lost usage more-so because better tank options came. Namely Ursena (debatably better, but I think she is) and Telluria (definitely better, even if itā€™s just by a bit). I remember her usage was low at one point too when Kunchen and Aegir came too (but those were more common too despite being less good tanks).

So honestly, even if Telluria were balanced again, I donā€™t think sheā€™d go anywhere unless completely butchered ā€“ something Iā€™m against personally because that would just be unfair to not just players that have her, but to the community that has worked hard to develop teams to counter her and fight her.

Telluria will only drop in usage when better, or at least similarly strong options, come into play.

Honestly, I wouldnā€™t mind seeing Guinā€™s original dark defense buff (+94%) restored back again. Maybe then weā€™d see her considered again. I think enough time has passed that players understand how to play and counter her, even without Seshat.


It didnā€™t surprise me at all that Telluria wasnā€™t in the top 5. Itā€™s not because she isnā€™t dominant, itā€™s because she is so prevalent. If you want to win in diamond, you must kill her. What youā€™re seeing there are her best supporting heroes, Iā€™ve seen Telluria flanked by Justice and Khaghan before.

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Itā€™s not communicated how a hero will come on that list. Telly rarely kills another, but is by far the best defensive tank, no matter if flanked by Fin, Ursl, Kill-her, Grazzy, Gravey, Claris and/or Vel.



Not a Country Iā€™ve heard of tbh.

Is it in Lord of the Rings or something?

Either way people seem to get very excited about it.


Originally came from Fanghorn forest. :+1:

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2 More reasons why telluria doesnā€™t need a nerf.

  1. Boril with costume has just as much defense, is also average mana speed, and a 4* so easier to obtain, can easily cause problems for your opponent.

  2. Telluria might be popular, but vela is what makes her crazy strong. Always has been this way. I have a telluria with 7 emblem paths unlocked, and I have gravemaker as well, also at 6 emblem paths unlocked. But I donā€™t have vela, and I consistently lose trophies when I log off. She isnā€™t op.

Just because something is popular, doesnā€™t mean it needs a nerf.

But hey, if they ever offer to let us switch out the ā€œopā€ telluria for someone else of our choosing Iā€™ll be the first to jump in line.

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