Please help need advice

Hi everyone
I have made some bad decisions in this game and have used the soul exchange now I find myself in a shortage of heroes. I need direction in which way to go as far as leveling I have several different 4* and 5* and 3* as well. Which are best to get leveled up first and which mats to use on my 5* heroes available. My concern is titans and wars. Would any suggest a different defense. Ugh I’d appreciate it so much for any help.

I have
7 Tabards
9 Darts
11 Telescopes
7 Tonics
8 Rings

Most of my emblems available are Druid and Barbarian Pally Sorcerer and wizard.
Thanks in advance


Nice thing is you can do 1 hero in each color and with the heroes you have available, you can build a nice new def. I wouldn´t keep any of your current heroes on the def team, but as an instant fix until you finish the new heroes, put Kunchen as the tank.

New def: Alucard-Adalinda-Bera/Senan-CKad-Laohu

Purple is tricky, because none of the heroes are up to date. Kunchen isn´t horrible, but I think Bera or Senan would do a bit better.

Blue is hardest to choose as you have multiple good heroes. Options for def are Morel and Adalinda. Milena would be the best for offense. Good thing is you only need 1 more scope to do a second blue.
You can´t go wrong with any of those 3.
Morel is fast and the def down works well with other hitters, so especially good if you choose Senan as tank. Can be put on flank or wing (left side!). bit harder to play on offense, as you need other strong fast hitters to team up. but still a good choice even for offense.
Adalinda is the hardest hitter. So she´s best if you go with a defensive tank like Kunchen or Bera. Avg speed means she´s not that great for wing, but you want her close to the tank anyway. Also great for offense.
Milena being a charge hero isn´t that great on def, but awesome on offense. Might be a good pick for second hero.

The other colours are rather easy to choose. And you´ll have good follow-ups (Devana, R&N) after you max the first choice.
Next pick from SE and/or Fated Summon you may wanna look out for a good green hero :slight_smile: Unfortunately current fated summon isn´t amazing for wars, but since you like Titans: Ratatoskr is probably your best choice and you can definitely also use him as a healer for wars. After CKad he´s be your best next choice…


Thank you so much for your information that helps a lot :blush:. So a war defense doesn’t have to have any healing?

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Not necessarily. It needs speed and/or survival. C. Kadilen brings survival with her dodge. And bera with her minions. It also needs hit all or hit 3 damage dealers, of which the suggested defense has plenty.


Raid def does not need healing if is fast and strong enough.
With war it is more difficult. You may go with a no-healer def, but only if you are one of the strongest players in your alliance - so you will be also stronger than most of the enemy attack teams.
If you are not strong enough, healerless defence will attract the weaker teams, as attacking you they will not risk a 0 result, even very weak team will be able to bite something from your heroes. And eventually kill you after few attcks.
Anyway, you have a good healer already - MN. If you don’t feel safe without a healer don’t replace her with cKadi.


I second that C. Kadilen, Alucard, Laohu and Bera would be great on defense. I also agree that Adalinda will work better on defense, but I would prioritize Milena for next ascension, due to her versatility I consider her more useful overall.

But you only need one more telescope and then you could work on Adalinda as well.


No it doesn´t have to have healing.
In lower level play many defenses do have healers, but at high level play healers are very unusual.

It really depends on what heroes you have available. In your case you simply don´t have strong healers, so it´s better to just go for hitters instead and use some other defensive heroes that help with survivability. Beras minions and CKads dodge will help you stay alive long enough to kill the attackers with your strong hitters.

The only healer I would consider is Kunchen, because you don´t have super strong hitters in purple and he´s not bad (because of the defdown), but he´s slow so he absolutely has to be in tank position, otherwise he´ll never get charged fast enough.

Mother North is interesting for the revive, so she can be placed on a wing, but at normal speed her slow mana speed means she´ll often die before she does anything. Definitely an option, but I don´t think she gets even close to CKad for a defense formation outside rush.

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