[Play Style] frugal use of ascension items

[Play style] frugal use of ascension items

Posted from my smartphone

This play style tries to get the most out of your ascension items and recruits. It is more of an outline or a road map since RNG can be very cold and very cruel, especially with 4* heroes, the main heroes of Season One.

Level best 3* rainbow team to 3.50
Level best 4* rainbow team to 3.59

Use double strong and double neutral teams when appropriate to get ascension items, ingredients, recruits, food, iron.

Link to Revenge Bar double strong and double neutral teams

Only when have enough ascension items to level two of your 4* to 4.1 ( same color or different colors), level one and only one 4* to 4.1
Repeat until you have a good rainbow 4* team at 4.70 for Rare Ascension Item Quests

Not all heroes are worth leveling.

Once you use an ascension item, it is gone. You cannot get it back.

Once you level a hero, that XP is gone. You only get 10% back if you use the leveled hero to level another hero.

You can hoard recruits in low cost training RT4 & extra low cost training RT11 until you get decent 4* and 5* heroes.

Get base to legendary training,
Practice game,
Use forum to examine other heroes available from legendary training.

Fast mana speed is king,
Splash damage is very versatile.

Link to Revenge Bar Fast mana speed and splash damage.

Healers can help you finish Rare Ascension Item Quests.

Level second 3* rainbow team to 3.50
Level second 4* rainbow team to 3.59
Level any good 5* heroes to 2.59 ( not you Thorne )

Only when have enough ascension items to level two of your 4* to 4.1 ( same color or different colors), level one and only one 4* to 4.1
Repeat until you have a second good rainbow 4* team at 4.70 for Rare Ascension Item Quests

Level third 3* rainbow team to 3.50
Level third 4* rainbow team to 3.59
Level any good 5* heroes to 2.59 ( not you Thorne )

Only when have enough ascension items to level two of your 5* to 4.1, level one and only one 5* to 4.1
Repeat until you have a good rainbow 5* team at 4.80 for Rare Ascension Item Quests

Depending on base, legendary training and hero roster, level up a third good 4* rainbow team to 4.70 or a second good 5* rainbow team to 4.80 or a mix of the two- 4* 4.70 & 5* 4.80 heroes.

You might have to be patient. RNG can be nasty. All heroes are not worth leveling. All heroes are not available.

You can hoard recruits in low cost training RT4 & extra low cost training RT11 until you get decent 4* and 5* heroes.

Good heroes are excellent at what they do,
Rigard, Grimm, Wu Kong, Sonya

compliment each other,
Wu Kong + Melendor/ Sabina, Grimm, Scarlett AKA the glass cannon cascade squad

have fast mana,
Obakan, Sonya

Have unique ability ( usually event heroes and HotM ),
Alberich, Merlin

Have good additional effects ( usually event heroes and HotM ),
Delilah ( who I still don’t have ), King Arthur