We currently have open spots for active players who enjoy winning wars and killing Titans without drama or having to be on multiple apps to communicate. We have just won our 12th war in a row and are taking down 11 and 12 star Titans. We are very laid back with a very simple war strategy. Currently using yellow tanks but switching to green on May 30th (depending on the extent of the nerf of course).
You do not have to be a Steelers fan to join us, we even have a Raiders fan in our alliance which actually makes things fun.
We have two very simple rules which are hit the Titan and use all your war flags when you have opted in.
If you want a relaxed fun alliance that still likes to grow our teams and win wars then this is the place you have been looking for. Check us out in the game under “Pittsburgh Steelers” and let us know you came from the forums.