Pick Three to Ascend

I have MATS to ascend three heroes…one from yellow, one from blue and one from green. Who would you choose if you knew you already had red Scarlett/Boldtusk (3/60) and purple Merlin/Rigard/Tiburtus (3/60), as your best possible non-ascendable options?

Yellow: Ranvir or Justice or Inari
Green: Horghall or Kashhrek or Margaret
Blue: Kiril or Sonya

Yellow: Ranvir if you do not have Wu Kong, (to get better shot higher Titan).
Green: Kashrek
Blue: Sonya

Edit: @Baker, OK I also edit my answer, as it is my opinion here, maybe others has a better opinion.

Better is *4 heroes first… because *5 heroes need more rare mats.
Do you have any other *4 yellow?


Thx jinbatsu. Made a small edit to original post to help clarify.

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My very same suggestion :slight_smile:


Yellow: Ranvir if you don’t have Wu . He also hits more often.
Green: Kashrek He is considered a Grade A Tank
Blue: Blue Sonya she is a great hitter and has a nice combo with that debuffer

So yeah same answer . :slight_smile:

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Yellow: Justice would be a decent tank but Ranvir would get you better scores in titans and more ascension mats.

Greeen: Kashrek. Great tank imo. Just wait for a better 5* green hero cuz Horghall and Margaret… They aren’t that good tbh.

Blue: Kiril of course. Nothing beats healing + buffs.


Thanks to all.

If I can continue…who would be your attack/titan FIVE and defense FIVE out of:

Boldtusk, Scarlett, Ranvir, Justice, Inari, Kashhrek, Horghall, Margaret, Kiril, Sonya, Merlin, Rigard, Tiburtus

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Tibertrus def down
Bt heal attack up or kiril
Merlin? What happens with this titans…wirh him?

But it depends in the color for me

Wu kong or ranavir should always be there

BT - Sonya - Kashrek - Tiburtus - Scarlett
BT - Sonya - Rigards - Scarlett - Merlin/Tiburtus

After Justice maxed, she can be as tank.
BT/Kiril - Rigard - Justice - Tiburtus - Scarlett/Sonya

For attack titan depend on color, raid also depend on opponnent.
Basicly, bring healer+att and defense debuff, like combination: BT+Tiburtus+Rigard or Kiril+Tiburtus+Rigard, and bring Sonya if we need dispeller.