Pick my yellow defense member

I pretty much have my raid/war defense set but can’t choose which yellow to use.

Defense: Sartana+6, Skadi+11, Telly+18, Grave+16, Joon+9

Joon is the one I am debating changing.

I have Odin+4 and Bai+14. Would one of these be the better choice now and which long term? I could add a few more nodes to Bai, pulling from Liana.

Also have Vanda, Lord Loki, Khiona, Liana, but don’t think they would replace any of my current D. Maybe I’m wrong?

Which hello would you use in my setup ?


Joon is great. Odin imo will be an improvement. I would put him on the flank also.

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If I do Odin I envision:
Sartana, Skadi, Telly, Odin, GM

Skadi-Gravemaker-Telly-Odin-Sartana. Is what I would do.


This is what I was thinking as well. Move Odin in at flank.

I think my biggest hangup in all of this is wondering how good Skadi is on defense as I haven’t run into her much.

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I hold Diamond with her at flank so Skadi is at least decent. My only other options are Lord Loki and Snow, both rely on AI too much and are much less durable. And just like offense if she puts a couple stacks on you, very hard to overcome.

First over night with that setup and only one attack, a loss, from team 250 points above me. We will see how this setup goes unless other weigh in with more thoughts. I do not like Odin on offence as much as Joon yet, probably because I am not used to him.