Pestilence (4 Horsemen) is recruiting!

Hello all, my name is Abaddon. I am a Co-Leader of Pestilence, and am in search of 4 new members. We are a fun and competitive alliance in Empires and Puzzles and need to fill our roster to utilize all of our members and new members abilities.
We are in search of 4 new members with the following criteria:
-3500+ defense team power
-1400+ raid trophies
-4-6 decently strong war teams
-Active daily

Our alliance is currently at 111,000 score with 26 members. Currently going through 8*&9* titans and about 65% in alliance wars. We are English speaking but a multi-cultural alliance with members spanning all around the globe. We have a line chat (preffered but not required) and have strong members that are able to help you build and grow. Whether you’re a decently strong player looking to build and grow, or an experienced member who wants to find a new home slaying titans and breaking other alliances , were interested to meet you.

If you are interested don’t hesitate to contact me, my like ID is babyfave.

Thank you for your time, I hope I get to hear from you.