Tried for him… no luck, but I finally got Cennius on pull 5 Eron on pull 20, and I think I’m done with the owls for today.
Good luck, everyone!
yes i think as after removal is applied still is possible to resist to get Owlhala,
but if hero kill all 3 minions im guessing it will be 3x tries to apply Owlhala yes?
Yeah, but the rate i see monks, clerics and toons resist everything, 3 times in a row wouldn’t surprise me now lol
Does anyone know if Pertinax’ minion is killed by tiles, what will happen?
It’s the same effect if it’s killed by special skill or tiles… you go to Owlhalla!!
The hero card now contains all changes.
The polls are now enabled.
But who go to Owlhalla? All enemies with color of tiles?
…from 4 to 3 turns
Thx, I have fixed it in the Changes from Beta section.
Just pulled this hero. He is too weak I’ll probably feed him away. Just kidding. Very happy with him. He is my first owl and excited to see him on war defense. Next on my power up list. Any one have suggestions for pairings.
Flank him with costumed W3K heroes… Else attacker could bring any of the LNY heroes to render his minions useless
and clerics, since I assume it works the same as Lepiota ghosts. They block mana generation and therefore can be blocked by clerics.
Tiles are always “assigned” to one of the attacking heroes in the respective color, so the logical answer is that whoever gets assigned the tiles will get ghosted. Since we are talking SG here you´ll have to try to see what happens
Was finally able to test it out, confirmed faun family resists being sent to owlhalla
The hero with the corresponding troop. Every tile has a different troop attached to it
Missing would you add master emblems line in poll @PlayForFun
After facing him a few times on defense, I would love to have it. Interesting mechanics and proved to be a pain to face.
I’m noticing that if the owl minion gets killed my another minion or via an ailment ( burn etc) nobody gets sent to owlhalla , which is a huge let down.
so its only by special skill then and should be written then like that ?
this is why was way better in firsts betas when minion dies one of random enemy is turned to owhala