Path of valor items

Check the Emblem #'s :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for confirming. I thought it was only me getting senile! :slight_smile: That’s some real value increase for me.

Aside from the type of emblems appearing in every POV, are there changes in the amount given?

This is the first time there has been a change in the # given.

Lol. Forcing me to check on my previous screenshots. Oh, yeah. I do notice the INCREASE of emblems. Previous provision for emblems on the 46th node in POV II were 50 (for Pass) and 30 (for free). Now its 100 (for pass) and 50 (for free).

Or you could check the PoV threads made :slight_smile:

I list what the current rewards are and the change from last time :slight_smile: so far there’s one for all 5 PoV to date.

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I have my eye on that scope.

I believe that what the OP meant was that in addition to the elemental ascension materials that you pointed out and which have always been featured in PoV, it wouldn’t be too much to add non-elemental ascension materials which are necessary for any 4* or 5* hero, and I agree.

If you lack a compass or a pair of fine gloves, you are literally stuck at 3.60 for any 4* and 2.60 for any 5* hero, you can only max 3* heroes.

It wouldn’t be too much to ask for those because they can be quite long to drop especially if you are FTP. I don’t understand why they are so rare…