⚖ Passive Balance Discussion: New Magic Heroes' passives

Yes, of course it is… but, don’t say it like that. Say it like this:

Come on SG devs, once or twice is a mistake. You have a beta, you know. I get it. It’s because you like money, huh?


Blockquote I’m happy to watch the video, it will give me another way to fight against the top squads. But it doesn’t seem to work as well as I thought it would, I always arrange them so that when 3 heroes have enough mana they will kill 1-3 enemies. And a lot of enemies are lb2 , they have the innate immune to new status ailments , and in the 6 flags , it’s the same with aramis and hathor when they activate a special skill . Our war is fiercer than you think, so to fight such enemies, you must also possess excellent heroes. You don’t have time to think about stacking accumulation, as long as you slow down 1 step, the enemy will punish you. It’s also nice to have multiple magical heroes in one squad, but there are much better and more effective combinations. anyway thanks for your video

Gazelle doesn’t remove stacks. In fact, no hero does at the moment. The only way I can think of to get rid of them is literally dying - when heroes are resurrected by certain special skills they come back without ailments or stacks.

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I looked again, you are right, it is just status effects with Gazelle. For some reason I thought Slow White did that too. Yes, hard too remove stacks with death.

With buffs you can only have 1 buff of a type (basically any buff with the same icon will overwrite the previous one’s buff when cast). But with stacks… idk

Furdinand can reflect the stack, lots of 3* , 4* and 5* heroes can do it for themselves

I’m curious: is there a balance of opinion that Magic heroes, as they currently exist, are as a class too weak?

Because adding “hi, now with new additional uncleansable ailments for free when firing” to all of them is a straight-up buff that would seem to indicate that these heroes are already lacking.

I find that… remarkable. I find Magic heroes to already be pretty strong, and they already have a Passive ability. Do they need another one?

I mean, I’m just comparing to the majority of my heroes who have a Passive ability of HAHA NO WAIT THEY DON’T DO PASSIVES AT ALL

By which I mean, if this is any pretense at “balance,” I think there are a LOT of heroes who could use an upgrade (Passive or otherwise) more than Magic heroes.

By which I really mean, of course this isn’t a balance issue, this is a “let’s make these heroes look like more attractive spending targets” issue, probably to be nerfed, oh, sometime after the next Magic Tower portal.

I’m curious about something. There is a portion of the player community - a large portion from what I can tell - that thinks you cannot “compete” in the current meta without VF or F heroes. That think that DOTs are almost irrelevant because by the time your DOT finishes you are probably dead from pure damage dealing. That also thinks that slow heroes who do not basically instantly guarantee victory are useless.

So in this meta to have a passive that at VFish has a 50% chance of a 5% stack (which is minimal and unreliable and would in my opinion have close to zero impact on a match) and at slowish causes -10% mana stack - of which the impact will only be felt many turns later - is that really going to be considered OP?

I think the mana stack is powerful, and its best use is in long games where you keep recasting (mainly at x2 charge). This apparently is not possible because you will be “dead before you first charge up a slow hero”. Therefore it seems that it is impossible to be considered OP as it will never be able to go off… either that, or we need to consider that many slow heroes do in fact get to charge, and charge multiple times per battle… but then if that is the case and that part of popular belief is wrong then what else have you believed about this game is actually codswallop? :thinking:


The first charge is a 100% guarantee to do -5% mana stack that bypasses taught. If three of the new heroes fire at the same time, you’re looking at -15% mana gen at VF mana IN ADDITION TO their special skills.

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have you ever thought about the possibility that $G might want to sell a (fast- veryfast) stack cleanser in the near future 2 yall ? :sweat_smile:

so why yall even thinking about a nerf right now?!
will not happen…

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Yes, as I’ve tested them… have you?

I hate this argument lol it’s so lazy, yet it’s seemingly everyone’s go-to to justify lack of balance. So just cuz a future hero, or a past hero, is OP… balance should just go out the window then, hmm? Two wrongs somehow make a right? In what world?!

Ofc it is. The devs have whales who will spend thousands to chase the next OP hero - despite the fact that these whales know, deep down, that it’s proven said devs will also nerf said hero in time. It’s all the “Too good to be true” sorta heroes that people chase, that are also the most likely to be nerfed. So then, once the hero is less profitable, that’s when the game devs bring “balance” afoot to strike. But for them, it’s just another $$ move…

Cuz I mean, what self-respecting business person, who loves $$, would pass up the chance to nerf a hero, if it meant it would help em make that same bank on the next?! Having old heroes that are strong get in the way of those profit margins, yo $$

Did big tobacco stop putting their products out after the whole world found out it causes cancer? Hell, did people stop buying it, despite knowing this? No. This business runs very similar, as most whales are addicts. & So, they get away with a lot of shady ■■■■■ :poop: as a consequence.

(It’s disgusting)

Fk the health of the player-base or game, they just want their $$ :roll_eyes:

Your perspective from the other side is seriously warped if you think anyone gets excited about balance in this way. Or if you think the players have the most power in this equation. Most of the people who call for nerfs genuinely care about this game…

Some even have said hero in question. So they ask only as far as it being necessary for the health of the game. But no one (least, that I know) loves post-release nerfs. And it’s SG who are known to butcher heroes post-release for their own profit margins, not players. It’s also their responsibility to ensure this game is balanced.

If they ever listened to us in beta, this wouldn’t even be an issue, but they quit doing that around two or so years ago… hence, it’s a proven business model that they clearly love, and will never stop, cuz… why would they? People keep falling for it… erm, well, “fall victim to it” seems more appropriate [here].

Doesn’t mean we as a player-base have to stop caring, though.

Best we can do is voice our dissent, and hope something’s eventually done about it :woman_shrugging:


@Homaclese raised a very good point above. I have Both Ray & Willow from the new magic Hero’s. Ray is Maxed LB1 and fully emblemed and Willow at 2,30.

The reason I wanted Ray up ASAP was mainly for the VF dispell (Which is Awesome BTW) but I’m not too fussed whether they see fit to nerf the stack, on attack it isn’t really something u would want to plan your team around (as can be seen in @King_Kyree77 's video, thanks for doing that btw, trying to slow the whole defences mana down over time isn’t a great offensive strategy in this meta :joy:). The added Mana from Milena and Rays other passive on the other hand …IS.

The frustration is mainly for players attacking New Magic Heavy defenses who cant get their team destroyers charged as quickly as usual due to the stacks, and aint nuthin they can do about it… mini lol. I can see why there is a bit of an uproar about the passives and yes they are very strong but I want to give those who have some of these heroes maxed a little reassurance.

If there was ever a nerf to the passive, which i’d say is highly unlikely, the only thing its likely to affect is your defences cup tally. On attack you wont notice much of a difference.

Also if you do wanna use a “slow mana down” strategy on Offence double Mist’s will do the job at fast Speed & a fraction of the cost ;?)


That wasn’t the point of the video. It was to show how quickly these stacks pile up. I was using heroes that weren’t maxed, one of which was at 1.1. Attacking a defense like that would be incredibly hard to overcome, especially if you factor in the OG magic heroes and their offensive potential with the new heroes buff potential.

You’re dealing with this game as it is currently being implemented in shoulds, woulds, and coulds.

I’m dealing with this game in reality.

You want to scream about balance? Cool. Do you.

It will never happen. True balance would mean every hero at every level would be equal in potential impact.

Not. Going. To. Happen.

There isn’t a single game on the market today where every character/upgrade is on par with every other. That’s not how money is made.

There must always be something to strive for. If the incoming characters are equal to heroes from 5 years ago, there would be NO NEED to try to summon new ones.

You say my reasoning is lazy. Yet, I don’t cry about any hero that comes out. While you whine about people getting the effects they pay lots of money for, I get to work devising strategies to defeat those paid-for heroes.

Your definition of lazy and mine are different and that’s okay!

Make sure to let me know how this all worked out for you in the end.

EDIT: For the record, my preference is for your wishes to be granted. I’d love to log onto the game and be able to plug in any 5 heroes and have a 75+% chance to win in perpetuity. I just know that’s not the reality of the hyper-capitalist system in which we inhabit.

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I know thats not what ur trying to demonstrate m8 i was actually thanking you for the video, not in a sarcastic way but for real, i thought it deminstrated ur points well - if u copied the full sentence i said that trying to slow down that kind of defense is not a good attacking strategy so whether the stacks are nerfed or not it wont make too much difference on attack. Hope that make sense ;?)


Ah, yes, I understand now.

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3 heroes for 15% stack, but with 3 heroes I can kill 1 or 2 enemy mains, and also open up endless space to increase mana for my team

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You also missed the health boost to my heroes, the direct damage similar to g. Hippo from the 4* and the burn from Ray and the other passive abilities.

At this point just throw the whole game away because somebody that plays it will ALWAYS have something to complain about…

“Awww…I dont have strong enough heroes to beat the new ones”…“SG needs to nerf the strong heroes thats used the most in the top 10”…“I dont have a hero to counter this hero or that hero so its not faaair”…most of the people that complain will never rank #1 even if SG nerfed EVERY strong hero possible so complaining about skills and passives and undispellable buffs is really counter prodictive at the end of the day.

If you have ZERO chance at ranking #1 with your current roster…nerfing a specific set of heroes will NOT change your outcome…and if you are not worried about ranking positions then why even ask for a nerf in the first place…you will NEVER win every match no matter how many nerfs they do…and stop acting like there is a money reward to be won for ranking spots by asking for a nerf. Life isnt fair…this game’s AI doesnt play fair…so dont think a nerf will all of a sudden make everything fair. Play the game for what it is…a tool to pass time away and have fun while doing it. :expressionless:…and stop making it complicated

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THANK YOU WELL SAID 20 characters

“Selfish” huh? Which one is more selfish…

Anyway, the game should certainly develop - but it shouldn’t develop in a direction where newer heroes are so much more powerful than older heroes, that newer heroes are required in order to “keep up”.

Whether we are at that point is a matter of debate, but it’s hardly “selfish” to ask for healthy balance and a reasonable pace of power creep. Keeps the game more sustainable.