Out of concern topic!

I agree with you there are addictions to just about everything , but one way is to unlink your credit card. you can’t spend if you can’t charge. it’s a simple thing to do and a simple fix.
And this topic has been brought up in the forums before and I’m sure a mod will link it to that discussion thread. I’ll post a thread that was closed but just showing it’s been discussed.

I’m simply pointing out the obvious, if I go into a bar and I’m an alcoholic am I going to ask that bar to shut down and not have happy hour ? or am I just not going to go there and or not pay for a drink.
Sadly, I am always playing The Devil’s Advocate cuz I like to look at scenarios from all angles. I am a :whale: and I went down to c2p only because I chose to do so. Again the ads annoy me cuz the time it takes to get thru to look at war score or quick titan update. :laughing: I’m sure many will disagree with me but I have been known to not have a filter and give my opinions and thoughts so :popcorn: and :beer: is always around when I’m here. :laughing:

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