With Onatel and QoH, who would you put at tank for defense raid / war team?
I also have Kage and Magni. How would you arrange them all for defense? I have many 4* options for the 5th person, so pick any 4* for the 5th guy. Thanks for any advice.
With Onatel and QoH, who would you put at tank for defense raid / war team?
I also have Kage and Magni. How would you arrange them all for defense? I have many 4* options for the 5th person, so pick any 4* for the 5th guy. Thanks for any advice.
I haven’t fought QoH often enough but think she’s doing fine as a tank. I think Onatel is overrated in this position.
Interestingly, Kage is probably the best tank of the bunch, especially combined with other fast hitters. The reason for rarely seeing him as tank is that he’s rare and most people who got him also got one of the top tanks. And contrary to Guinevere, Ares and some others, he is equally good if not better on the sides.
Queen of Hearts should be as a flank player next to tank. Center possiton is the wosrt for her.
I hope you are wrong about this, as I have Onatel but not QoH. This thread seems to ultimately disagree with you. Fair warning; it’s long, but it might help OP with the decision.
I may be wrong concerning QoH, but Onatel to me is definitely no top tank. That doesn’t mean that she’s not viable at all. but there are at least 10 heroes across the 5 colors who are better than her.
And Kageburado is one of them.
What I’m telling here is meant for top lvl teams. (2500 cups upwards) If you and the opponents you usually face have no “fully developed” teams yet, she’s probably better.
Onatel holds more/as many cups for me on a consistent basis then GM, Ares, Kage and many other tanks I’ve tried. She’s average speed, does damage and effects mana all at 800+ defense and 1400+ health, she serves far better as a tank then is being implied here. The only problem that onatel faces as a tank is the fact that so many people have built up teams to take on Guin, so there are some strong purple stacks at the upper tiers she has to deal with. As for Queen, I don’t see her often but when I have, she hasn’t caused many issues, simply because of her minion being front and center, of course I’m going to hit it before I fire specials … so the taunt really doesn’t work as desired. Both heroes are fantastic offensive options.
That’s not the only problem, unfortunately. There’s also the fact that the AI is clueless about how to properly use her special.
I have Danza 4^70+5 and Onatel 3^70. Both are close in stats, so I’ve left Danza and his evade talent in my tank spot for now, since the AI can’t screw up his special, but I will move Onatel there when I get the darts because her defensive stats are so good.
Meh, the AI not knowing how to use her special is a bit overstated I feel, sure, if she hits 2, that’s not ideal (same for any splash attacker), but if your concern is about her ability to overwrite herself… if she’s gaining enough mana to be doing that, she’s doing pretty dang well. Her firing twice generally means the attacker is very far behind, so she’s done her job already.
Onatel imo is a good tank.
I think QoH makes a good tank too with her stats. But frankly her skill directing attention to her to me says that she should be flank; tanks already get most of the attention, so it makes sense to have her flank.
Magni | Kage | Onatel | QoH | sniper
Magni | healer | Onatel | QoH | Kage
That’s what I would do myself for defense.
I think Onatel and QoH are best where they aren’t focus fired… but of the 2 Onatel is better at tank
Thank you all for your help. The link was a great long read. Excellent discussion. Also thank you for the suggestion of…
Magni, healer/sniper, Onatel, QoH, Kage.
That gives me a direction and I’ve learned a good deal about team composition. You guys rule.