On Events and Placement

If you are thinking of competing, let me give you some tips that I wish someone gave me :slight_smile:

Ucla/dator method:
We use all of the same color to charge mana at the same time
Stages 1-5
-combos are key on these. The higher scores will result with the higher the combos in the fewest moves. You also need to have those combos in the color you brought to charge your mana. The ideal is one move resulting with a 5+ combo charging all your fast mana. This is why you see all the top placers fleeing! Boards like that are hard to find.

6-10 have multiple bosses so they canā€™t be killed with items alone. These we look for a way to make a diamond within the first move and knock down the first two stages with items. Save the diamond for the bosses. Mana up your shield downs and hope the tiles kill the bosses.

10 we may be unique but I use wu because I need that tile damage to knock out the bosses in as few moves as possible. It is a risk but with great reward.


I had a go using your guys method in epic and made it to 138, if I had more items Iā€™m sure I could of made it to 100 at least :grin:.

I used Wu on the last one as well and he did jis thing for a change lol.

Thank you both for sharing your strategies/tips in a achieving ā€œDator Boardsā€ in events :slightly_smiling_face:


Thatā€™s very kind of you, Darling, thank you! :slight_smile:

Actually everythingā€™s ready for next Teltoc. Iā€™ve been preparing for a year now. Sad story: last time I didnā€™t know exactly how those combos work and finished 12th consuming 300+ of items / 40 world flags. (Here comes the sad part) immediately after the end I found Wharflordā€™s help regarding those bloody combos. I thought I was gonnaā€™ cry.
Iā€™m not really interested in any other event thatā€™s why Iā€™m stacking that huge amount of battle items / flags and thoā€™ now kainboy is trying to scare me, Iā€™m planning to be the first next time. :sunglasses:
I have everything whatā€™s needed, hopefully thatā€™ll be enough. Now Iā€™m only collecting every last drop of intel that may add something plus help.
Thanks for your streams / tips - you sound like a lovely couple, a double dynamite.
I play with my wife too. She used to collect my hamsā€¦

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Thatā€™s my scores from this last one but Iā€™m sure youā€™ll want to get perfect boards for panther


This will probably help more. You can use the best scores between the 2


Mind sharing a link to the wharflord combo advice?

@Uclapack thatā€™s very kind, thank you! And yeah, definitelyā€™ll aim for perfect boards. :slight_smile:

@gregschen sure, check out his YouTube channel. :wink:

@Uclapack why didnt you just improve level 10 in that last guardian event?

@Kerberusz you shouldnā€™d bei scared. I will be in major holidays and will not take the time to even participate. Will be a break of almost 5 weeks from this game.

Hahaha I knew it would come back to haunt me and it didā€¦thatā€™s ok @Kerridoc earned it. That 10 was definitely the losing score. Spent all that Saturday trying to improve it. So not like a lack of trying it just was not meant to be :slight_smile: sometimes the boards just do not cooperate


That was a brutal win. I am scarred for life. The knowledge that @Uclapack and @dator could at any moment unseat my spot was physically painful. I doubt Iā€™ll go,through that again!


Lol I know that feeling all too wellā€¦every time @Wharflord passes me. Truly masters at the event. It was very cool to see @Kainboy put up such a high score! And thanks for doing it so soon :wink:

@Kerberusz Iā€™m sitting out guardians so thatā€™s another person you donā€™t have to worry about :slight_smile:


Our scores look quite similar just a few thousand difference here and there, I remember thinking ā€œhow the heck do they get such high scores??ā€ Because I finished every stage in under 45 seconds except level 10 took about a minute. Stage 5 and under I completed in 30-35 seconds.
I didnā€™t come 15th though I came 19th, this was just the only picture I took.


That was with only 50 bombs and mana pots though. I could only try for a good score on each stage once lol. I had a ton of WE flasks and just fled a bunch of boards looking for a good one and gave it one good try on each stage. Thatā€™s why my stage3 score is lower than stage2 score and never got improved.

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That is cutting it close. I usually use about 100 bombs, axes, mana for epic. Finished each one around 35 seconds. The match bonus plays a big role in the earlier levels. I usually look for a 6+ combo in the first move.


The feeling is mutual :slight_smile: Watching the leaderboard in the last hour of an event is the most stressful thing Iā€™ve done in the last 5 years. You could also teach me a thing or two about Legendary. I still havenā€™t managed to beat you, Dator, or Zero despite my best efforts. Maybe you could let me get Arthur next time around :laughing:


You finish stage ten in around 35 seconds? How is that even possible lol. For stage ten I waited until I saw a board that had a red diamond and some tiles to spare, mostly killed the mobs with axes, arrows and bombs; finish them with a tile match, mana up for bosses and use all specials and then set off a big cascade. I only made 3 tile moves too. How do you finish it in 35 seconds??

Also how do you come up with 200 midnight roots each month for bombs and mana pots?

I make 2 moves. The first one is in the first round trying to make a combo that creates the diamond for me while charging mana to half from the combo. Knock out the minions with items. Use the mana to fill everyone use specials and hit the diamond. Hope that it combos and fills specials to finish bosses. Those boards are not really the easiest to find. For example my guardians 10 i couldnā€™t find one.

I have more WE flags than most (55) and they are never full. When I started pushing events I had a massive storage of ingredients. I had over 1k roots. I am just now starting to run low. I hardly ever use roots on medium mana though. I usually get plenty of those from titans, chests, MV.

Iā€™m planning on sitting out both guardians and knights to rebuild some ingredients. Plus it is a lot less stressful watching others battle for first :slight_smile:


Iā€™ve never had even close to 1k roots, what stage do you mostly farm?