Do you want to be in an alliance that is taking down 7* titans with ease and getting more successful with 8* titans every week?
Do you want to be in an alliance with an active chat of players helping each other and cheering each other on?
Do you want to be in an alliance where everyone is active but also understands that there are going to be days when real life will keep you away from the game?
Do you want to join an alliance with a 10-2 alliance wars record?
Do you have 1400 cups?
Then come join “Olympians” … but maybe not for you, its more of a Shelbyville idea.
Do you want to be in an alliance that is taking down 7* titans with ease and getting more successful with 8* titans every week?
Do you want to be in an alliance with an active chat of players helping each other and cheering each other on?
Do you want to be in an alliance where everyone is active but also understands that there are going to be days when real life will keep you away from the game?
Do you want to join an alliance with a 10-2 alliance wars record?
Do you have 1400 cups?
how many cups do you have Duaneski?
Bro. I’m a balla’
I’m a package deal w the mrs tho. But she’s a beast. (650. BOOM)
we have two spots open. If you want in I’ll lower the trophy requirements for you. We currently have a couple of newer players who we have been guiding and helping to develop. So far things are moving along nicely
I’ll be honest man we are passively looking for a new clan.
We ARE active. But we are f2p and around 2300 power, we aren’t about to rocket up
If that’s players you wanna add to your team, we are in.
But I don’t wanna be an anchor holding ya back either. And the mrs def agrees lemme know
Nice one. Come and join the fun. Don’t worry about being f2p, a lot of our alliance are. Actually a few of our members have their training camps at 20 and have started producing 5* heroes. I’ll lower the trophy requirements now.
New members…Exciting!!
Yep, trophy level lowered. We would much rather have active F2P 600 something hitters than P2P 2000+ people who miss every other titan amd war.
Welcome aboard
Merritt (TigerT)
The trophy requirements have been lowered so come on board! Olympians! Olympians! Olympians!
One warrior joined our awesome clan, and now we are about to be 12-2 in alliance wars. Cup requirement reduced to 1000 so come join now before the last spot is taken!
Come join us and you can chat with me about taking a relaxed attitude towards work while discussing the NY Mets, my favorite baseball squadron.
Our record is now 13-2 in alliance wars. Do you know why we have such a good record?
- Everyone hits
- We discuss strategy during the war to maximize points.
Don’t miss your chance! We have one spot left. We lowered the cup requirement to 1000 cups, maybe just for you! Join Olympians today!
Good news! A spot has opened up in the most awesome alliance in the empire of Empires and Puzzles, Olympians. Our alliance war record is now a spectacular 16-4. We are now taking down 8* titans with regularity and have taken a few 9* titans down. Jump on the bandwagon now and don’t get left behind. Only 1000 cup requirement. Remember, that’s “Olympians”. Come join the rulers of the mythologic and the Empires and Puzzles universe.
Olympians, join now!
Attn: Erica. We lowered the trophy requirement back down to 1000 for Olympians in case you left the alliance by accident (you mentioned trouble with the game right before you left in the chat). Please come back or let us know that you meant to leave. Thanks, DoctorSteven
I’m not looking for an alliance, but the shelbyville thing is superb and you deserve recruits on that alone.
Thanks! We need one more now so if you know anyone looking, send them our way.
Monorail, monorail, monorail!