🎅 Offers Log & Discussion – Santa's Challenge (Christmas) 2020

:spiral_calendar: Santa’s Challenge (Christmas) 2020 Offers Calendar

Note: Price shown in AUD

During Seasonal Events, there is a special calendar with a different offer each day, each available for 24 hours.

The offers are not visible until the start of each day, and show for all players at the same time (for Christmas Offers, they rotate at 07:00 GMT).

Once closed, the Offers Calendar can be accessed by tapping the Snowflake icon on the Stronghold screen.


Four of the calendar days also offer free items — typically these are crafting ingredients, and sometimes flasks or tokens.

Typically the offers on Seasonal Event Calendars are varied in price range, and often offer some of the best deals on purchasing particular individual ascension materials and gems. Not all items will be offered, and the quantity available for each item is typically restricted to just 1.

:money_mouth_face: 2020 Santa’s Challenge (Christmas) Offers Log

Day :calendar:
Other Items
In Stock
Price (USD)
1 1 Dec 200 Compass - - - - - 3 1.99
2 2 Dec 1,000 Hidden Blade, Orb of Magic, Trap Tools - - - - - 3 9.99
3 3 Dec 200 Sturdy Shield - - - - - 3 1.99
4 4 Dec 2,800 Tome of Tactics, Fine Gloves, Compass - 2 3 1x TE 4x Nuggets, 2x Meteor Fragments 1 39.99
5a 5 Dec - - - 2 1 - - 4 2.99
5b 10,000 Mystic Rings, Royal Tabard, Warm Cape, Orb of Magic, Hidden Blade, Trap Tools 1x Reset 5 5 5x TE 20x Meteor Fragments, 20x Dragon Bone, 20x Nuggets 1 99.99
6 6 Dec - - - - - - 5x Tornadoes, 5x Super Mana Potions 1 FREE
7 7 Dec 500 - 150x Barbarian, 150x Paladin - - - - 1 9.99
8 8 Dec 1,000 Fine Gloves, Compass, Sturdy Shield - - - - - 3 9.99
9 9 Dec 1,000 Mystic Rings - - - - - 1 9.99
10a 10 Dec - - - 4 1 - - 3 5.49
10b 3,000 - - - - - 20x Large Food Bundles (500k) 1 29.99
11 11 Dec 200 Fine Gloves - - - - - 3 1.99
12a 12 Dec - - - 4 1 - - 3 5.49
12b 10,000 Damascus Blade, Mysterious Tonic, Fine Gloves, Orb of Magic, Trap Tools, Warm Cape 1x Reset 5 5 5x TE 20x Meteor Fragments, 20x Dragon Bone, 20x Nuggets 1 99.99
13 13 Dec - - - - - - 1x Scroll of Alteration, 3x Giant Harpoons 1 FREE
14 14 Dec 500 - 150x Fighter, 150x Sorcerer - - - - 1 9.99
15 15 Dec 1,000 Trap Tools, Sturdy Shield, Hidden Blade - - - - - 3 9.99
16 16 Dec 1,000 Damascus Blade - - - - - 1 9.99
17a 17 Dec - - - 4 1 - - 3 5.49
17b 3,000 - - - - - 20x Large Food Bundles (500k) 1 29.99
18 18 Dec 200 Warm Cape - - - - - 3 1.99
19a 19 Dec - - - 4 1 - - 3 5.49
19b 10,000 Farsight Telescope, Poisoned Darts, Trap Tools, Warm Cape, Hidden Blade, Compass 1x Reset 5 5 5x TE 20x Meteor Fragments, 20x Dragon Bone, 20x Nuggets 1 99.99
20 20 Dec - - - - - - 1x Hurricane, 3x Giant Harpoons 1 FREE
21 21 Dec 500 - 150x Wizard, 150x Ranger - - - - 1 9.99
22 22 Dec 1,000 Orb of Magic, Warm Cape, Sturdy Shield - - - - - 3 9.99
23 23 Dec 1,000 Farsight Telescope - - - - - 1 9.99
24a 24 Dec - - - 4 1 - - 3 5.49
24b 3,000 - - - - - 20x Large Food Bundles (500k) 1 29.99
25 25 Dec - - - 1 1 - 100x Valhalla Coins 1 FREE
26 26 - 30 Dec 200 - - - - - - 5 0.99
27 26 - 30 Dec
Mystery Offer
700 - - 1 1 - - 1 5.49
28 31 Dec - - - - - 1x TE, 1x RE, 1x WE 1x Hurricane, 3x Giant Harpoons 1 FREE

*ETT = Epic Troop Token, EHT = Epic Hero Token

:older_man: 2019 Offer Log

Click for 2019 Log for Comparison

:link: Other 2020 Santa’s Challenge (Christmas) Threads


I really hope there will be moar $10 offers with 4* AM in them than in Morlovia … (and for nitpickers saying there will be, because Morlovia was shorter, I just say you know what I mean).

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Picture Log – Prices in AUD


Another crappy three 3* mat offer today. Come on SG, it’s bad enough how scarce 4* mats are by RNG but you’ve made them even scarcer to buy. I’ve reduced my spending drastically as I don’t have a hope of levelling up the heroes that I rarely get.

Personally, I have only bought two of the golden token packs on 5th and ignoring the rest so far.

With the incoming Ninja offers, new Costumes, Valhalla offers every month etc. these calendar offers really lost their value. Of course if you have enough budget to not care about what you consume and just buy everything the game throws at you these wouldn’t necessarily be bad (for the gems alone). But if you try to manage your spending I find these to be easy pass so far. As I said, there’s just too many good offers in the regular monthly calendar to consider. And by the way, offers feel like a daily thing nowadays anyway, nothing unusual about these seasonal ones, not like a year or two ago :roll_eyes:


Whoa, a rings. Probably will take this one. I need 2 more rings for Tyr and second ones are in X-mas event (and also in PoV, but won’t wait that long).


Are the emblem + gem deals any good?

Compared to what?

Black Friday sale? Possibly…? BF sale had less $/blem but also a lot more gemies… So…

Shop emblems? Yes.
30 emblems for 150 gems. 10,000 gems for $99.99 = $1.49 USD pre-tax for 30 blems vs. 300 blems for $9.99
Edit: Quantities are doubled (60 emblems for 300 gems) but the maths is the same.

Goblin Balloon? Depends… If it’s a big chest in slot 1; then no. If it’s a small chest in slot 5; then yes.

I see the rudolph vip offer was not here as predicted, such a shame.

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Has anyone tried the 26th to 30th offers of Buy 5 to unlock another purchase?

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I am curious too but I am guessing it’s the same or worse than last year
If I read the table right the final offer was 700 gems + EHT + ETT for $5 ?

Exactly the same as last year



Is these offers worth it would everyone say?

200x5 (1000) gems + 700 gems + 1x EHT + 1x ETT = £10

Seems like a good deal right?

This is really gems only and the price per gem is very good. Normally similar amount of gems is almost twice as expensive.

As always it’s relative but I’ll buy any deal where you get 200 gems per £1 (or $1 in the states) since they are the best in the game.

700 + EHT + ETT is a gem equivalent of 1200 for £5 so still a decent deal


Yeah, that 200 gems is the best deal for gems in the game. It’s the same one that is offered on the 1st day of Challenge Events

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Got all those gems, made x10 pulls - only 3 star heroes. Best deal in the world :slight_smile: