OCTOBER team talk. Who's walking the HAUNTED plank?!? (Pirates of Corellia Teams)

I plan on using my newly acquired Melia, maxed Bane, hopefully maxed Kailani, Valen, Ulmer definintely, and Brienne. My rare pool is flipping huge for rare difficulty. My darks are sitting the pirates event out sadly. Thankfully my 3 star holy bench is getting better. My 3 star greens is off the chain, my 3 star reds are coming together. My 3 star blues are approaching the depth of my darks. Just recently getting Carver is a huge plus to my 3 star table. Just have to shift leveling focus to get them ready for pirates.

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For the players who play this game for long, it is not a problem, I guess. Even for FtP. Even on advanced mode. Besides, with such items in the game, the hardest mission could be done easily.


Wondering what everyone is going to use for the new pirates event thoughts and suggestions

No one really responds to these because it’s technically a competition and you’re asking them to reveal their hands.

Think of it as you asking them what pokemon they’re taking to the pokemon league. Who in the world would divulge that kind of info.

Is there any reason why I shouldn’t run a mono yellow like this for rare (when I’ve finished levelling?)

If photo isn’t showing, 3 Banes, 2 Melias

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Go for purple. I heard that’s the best this year.


Aw, that’s just mean!


I think Guardian Falcon works better than Scarlett. He does a 3 way hit … 3 at 225% … while she does a 1 and 2 hit … one at 215% and ne at minor dmg.

What say you? And maybe, if you please, could you explain the stats on this for me?? I don’t understand stats very well at all.

Also, I don’t see anybody using Rudolph in pirates. Why is that? I’ve read and heard he’s wonderful. Haven’t heard a single negative :thinking: