October 2020 Balance Update - Discussion

They also said this:

“our intention is to create unique and desirable but not overpowered Heroes. The goal is to make sure the overall balance of the game stays intact.”

They don’t want to kill Telly. They did kill all other tanks. You won’t be convinced. And I’m not going to beat this dead horse. I addressed the git gud joke.

You can carry on.

But… in case you missed it. You should see this:
[Telluria nerfed, how effective it was? - #55 by giZm0_o]

SG will see :point_up_2:also. So… good luck with:

As usual… people are focusing on the wrong metric. And hence, can’t see actual value.

Thank you for that! Because your tunnel vision and removal of this average speed healer/meat shield tank with Santa stats, which slows enemies long enough for the protected wings and flanks to canonize their enemies…
It’s looking very likely that this will be the last balance change, which has restored war and raid buttons!
Thanks again! Many others will keep using the actual value. But at least… not all…