Not getting my farming loot

I have noticed that when I’m farming, I don’t get the things that it says I get, like bombs, dragon bones, midnight root, and I’m not sure what else… I go right in to check and nothing is there. Can you help?

The shown Loot is just a possibility to find there. It`s not a guarantee to get them.

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Hallo, ich habe Victor und komme nicht weiter! Es gibt einfach keine Fallen um weiter zukommen! Ich benötige 4 und wenn das so weiter geht, ist ein aufleveln nicht mehr möglich! Ich gebe gerne mal Geld aus! Aber das ist so ich kaufe mir ein Auto ohne Motor!

Not getting my all my posted farming loot either, after win… 3rd time this has happened this week… And I Spent 75 Gems to Win… Where’s my loot from 2nd season first provenance final (10) level 12/20/2018 14:55

Hi @Killjoyz. Are you saying that after the battle completes, you get a screen like this:

but after clicking “Next”, none of the items actually go into your inventory?

Yes… You hit the nail on the head, is there a glitch I’m using gems I paid for to get awards… Usjng 75 gems is nothing to shake a stick at and costly

That definitely sounds irritating. What you need to do is file a support ticket through the in-game system, and they’ll be able to help you.

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