Northern vikings

An Alliance that is over 600 days old.
With stable hitters friendly active chat from around the world.

Just joined this alliance, they have been super friendly, very active and knowledgeable. Pretty awesome crew.

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WE have a couple openings looking from Friendly Chatty crew.

We have one more opening. Come join up and enjoy the fun.

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We have some more openings right now due to some well-liked members leaving for personal reasons. Come check us out!


Truly a great bunch of people to fight alongside with and claim Valhalla! A long standing alliance looking to make a push to the top 100.

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I recommend this nice alliance! We fought against them in a war. Great group of people. Good luck!

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Still looking - Need 7 more to make us complete. We are taking down 10*s with just 23 of us, Easily move to to 11 and 12s with a full compliment. Our requirements are simple and published for all alliance mates to see— we require all flags to be used, all titans to be hit on a flexible schedule, and provide a fun atmosphere that understands if you tell us RL is in the way.

We’d be a great fit for a small group that is looking for new home that takes the game seriously, but not TOO seriously.

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Still looking for new members. Still taking down 10s with just 23 people. You can help get to 11s and 12s and will have fun in a drama free environment. What are you waiting for? You know you want to… Oh and we have Waffles!!


Been with Northern Vikings for a bit over 3 months now & I gotta say they’re pretty awesome. Fun, funny and dedicated to the game. If you’re looking for a new home and are used to hitting 10/11* titans look no further - delightful members and leaders who don’t act like dark overlords. :wink:

And today is our Birthday!! That’s right 2 years old and officially a toddler. Come join us for Cake and Titan Killing!!


Everyone loves Cake
Hope more come to join a great Alliance

Come join up! We have a few openings now and would love to meet some new players.

We have a few openings right now. Come check us out!

Thanks for letting me visit your wonderful alliance on my “voyage of discovery” this month.

I enjoyed taking part in the war and loved how smoothly you all executed your war strategy. Also, you have some great titan hitters. All in all, a great group of strong, fearless players.

I recommend this alliance if you are looking to join a group of active, committed members!

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We have a few openings right now - come take a look if you are looking for an alliance!


Been in several alliances and Nothern Vikings is by far the best! friendly, dedicated Vikings :+1: Come and visit us, we have a few spots open just for you :hugs:


Down to a few openings- come join up.

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We had a long time, beloved member leave the game unfortunately. If you want to join us, come soon. Good mix of Europe, Scandinavia, and US folks who have a great time.


I hope it’s not because of anything life-threatening. Very sad to hear when a model alliance member has to quit the game.

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