Noor is OP (Or At Least Extremely Usable)

You’re not wrong, but it’s hard to have a productive debate when you trigger the person from the get-go. My gut reaction to the title is to disagree, so I’m coming into it at odds with the original poster.

Don’t tell me Black Widow is the best Avenger and expect me to listen. Rather state her merit and praise her worthiness. Then you may have my ear and open my mind.

That was maybe a bad example but it was the first thing to pop into my head.

Anyway, back to the game. Cheers!

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You lost me when you said Black Widow wasn’t the best Avenger. Arguably the greatest in the film following the selfless sacrifice she made.

But you have to remember the title of this thread was somewhat tongue in cheek. Designed to get attention as they say (which it did)

I always use my Noor in the Tavern of Legends when you can dust off the more unusual heroes. I’m going to run mine with Frosth and see how it all looks then. The Sparrows are little chonks already so the boost from Frosth looks interesting

I propose… a cage match.

Take two of the top players in the game. One who promotes Noor, another who despises Noor.

The Noor team must use one maxed and fully emblemed Noor on both their defense and offense teams.

The anti-Noor team must not use Noor on their teams.

Could go “best 2 out of 3”, but that won’t properly account for board randomness… so instead make it “best 3 out of 5”.

Make sure that both teams are equal in all other respects - same leveled troops, same number of emblems… and they can choose any other heroes to either compliment or combat Noor.

Give them 5 raid flags each, and let the battle begin.

If the anti-Noor team beats the Noor team on attack in at least 3/5 fights, the Noor team must admit that Noor might not be OP for defense.

If the pro-Noor team beats the anti-Noor team on attack in at least 3/5 fights, the anti-Noor team must admit that Noor is not garbage.

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Sure, make a case for Black Widow, I would listen. Her sacrifice was noble but hardly unique. One could argue that others that made the same sacrifice had more to loose - ie, Tony Stark and Vision. I did qualify my comment by saying it wasn’t the best example. My point was just that you could better convince me about Noor with a different title.

I know it was made in jest, I’ve been here long enough to get the intent.

Dusting her off for ToL doesn’t read as OP. I see her relationship with Frosth being promising for those that have both.

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Let it be done and I will wash my hands of this thread!

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I say just this: Scarlett Johansson. This is enough to put Black Widow as best of the best :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Better than Noor maybe (really?)

The original one was simply “Noor is OP”. After a week or so @Homaclese had had to say over and over that no, they didnt really mean Noor was OP, but instead that Noor was very useful in the Telluria meta prevailing at that time.

Found the constant clarifications funny so i edited it to add the stuff in parentheses.

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Yep, yep. I was there when it happened. It was around the same time when TellyVelaGate was blowing up the forum. The title was appropriate for the time, as back then, you couldn’t get any replies to a post without a provocative title.

Noor still sucks and is little more than a grinder hero for tol and ninja tower any team that wins with noor would still win with a much better hero !
Shes too slow to matter in most situations !,
Shes a blah hero! A speed increase or some small damage when her special is fired would make her a solid b/b+, hero as it is shes a b- at best and more just a C
Make noor good atleast


So don’t use her then. I’ll carry on using mine and we’ll both be happy.

Don’t get the hate on a hero you got for free. Just feed her if you don’t like her :slight_smile:

Noor isn’t special but i bet there are enough players who like her and love to play with her.

She even got a buff now and has great synergies with all the summoners nowadays. C-rating isn’t bad at all :slight_smile:


My personal view on all of this, is that EVERY hero has a role and a part to play in this game.
Yes some are better than others and are more versatile… but as others have said in certain aspects of the game Noor will perform well especially if you are savvy enough to put Noor in a decent team that has great synergy…


No I demand you stop using her and she be banished forever from the game solely because I hate her lmao !
Lol but i do use her on my smallest pro as a grinder for events as her and heimdall can get a team further than should probably go at a smaller level i just feel a marginal upgrade cold make her a good hero vs a blah hero but she beats danzburo and amneona
Make noor good atleast !!!

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Ameonna has her role as a titan specialist! Show some respect for the little girl :slight_smile:

869 Attack on +20 + a further boost through her special to 1582 Attack on a 4* hero…

Waste of a + 20 imho .
Almost any 4 star purple with +20 including the boomer i wish i had never maxed is better vs titans ,raids ,war !

Best purple hero in terms of attack is C-Quintus with 902 base attack on +20. Without Miki/Tarlak and so on his maximum attack is 1335 (48% attack boost). So Ameonna has the highest available Tile-Damage in Purple which is most important at titans. So you are either kidding or i would suggest to take a step back and have a more rational view on heroes.

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Due to your elegant defense of the grudge chick !
I will level her at some point when I’m waiting on the big ascension mats and remove her from the hall of shame!
( back to noor rumple danzburo skitterskull in the hall )
if your like me I level 4when I have 5 already waiting on mats and niche 4* are perfect for that purpose.
As you pointed out shes an excellent 5th hero for a yellow titan team !!!
I’m not one iota above learning something new and when its a hero in my garage that gains value im delighted!
So thank ya hun !!

Well I for one, am of the same opinion as Homaclese. So far my second mono red team (Noor+15, second BT costume+0, JF+0, Azlar +20, and Scarlett C+18 or Wilbur+18) has never lost in war against a LoTL tank. Team is 4169 power and I take on 4700 teams. I don’t even risk fighting LoTL with my main red team! Noor is certainly not useless. That said I agree with people doing Lady Loki over her, and if I had Kadilen costume and needed the emblems I wouldn’t hesitate.

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In this new meta Noor is so OP that I have no choice but to LB her:

With a level 13 crit troop this equates to minions with 543 health.

I have started taking her on most of my raids where I am facing at least one summoner. 543 equivalent of overheal is pretty decent, and the self overheal each time a minion is summoned ensures she will never die first. I use her minions to protect Dioachan’s minions and pair her with Raffaelle at times to give the 30% protection vs special skills to all. But really her ability to completely neutralise any minion threat is what she is most useful for, and with the dangerous minions floating around these days (hello, Hulda!) that is a priceless skill to have


Agreed. Bring Frosth with her makes it more fun.