Non-member in alliance

So my alliance is invite only and we rejected a player’s request to be in the alliance, however, he still appears in our roster.

Got screen shots? If not take some now.

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Weird. Maybe someone hit the wrong button? Can you screenshot the rejection in your chat?

You can kick the player, obviously, but it’s a strange occurrence.


Right? It was a few days ago and so I can’t screenshot the rejection… but, the really strange thing is, I can’t kick him. He’s not technically in the alliance, he just exists on the roster.


Very peculiar. It will need a support ticket to resolve I guess :thinking:

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Have they hit the titan or Said anything in alliance chat? Pretty sure ivory is a broads name too Haha :joy:
When they last log on? Did they join before the update, could have something to do with it :woman_shrugging:

Nope! But they do show up on our titan results. I don’t mean to misgender lol I just usually base it off the avatar. I identify as a seahorse.


Last log in was 7 hours ago

Well this is odd. Do the support ticket thang @JonahTheBard suggested
Not sure what else you can do! Or any other help can be given at this point in time!
Good luck! :+1:


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