Nogu - 5* Nature / Green from Champions family

Shocked, got this guy on a free summons from the tavern event today. Definitely a unique skill.

He really looks like the perfect counter to all the heal boosters in defenses at all levels right now.

Unfortunately, I am dry on tonics but hopeful to eventually ascend him this year.


Might even try using him in farming, I don’t have a bleed DoT hero, so I can pair him with my Aradia and Frog Prince for Bleed, Fire, and Poison DoT

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I also just pulled Nogu using Tavern/Legends coins. I’m very lucky, given the feedback I am reading about him.

He’s instantly my best fast green hero.


And family bonus that increases attack by 35%…without needing any family…

Its also because you fire a green special egainst a red hero so week collor egainst strong collor and erlangs its a naturel color so it also effects that nobody beleave me but it is if you use a special egainst a strong collors with weak collor your dammage its Lower then if you would hit on a weak collor with strong collor. But if you count specials and total output dammage then should nogu have to hit harder then erlang! About 600 more dammage output for nogu om erlangs.Erlang its just past a total dammage output off 7000 while nog sitting at total dammage output off 7600+ almost 7700!

Obviously u don’t understand how attack up works. Your Nogu’s attack is only 1200 while erlang is 1400. Attack up doesn’t really make his attack stats higher when using special (only growth can change base stats), instead that 35% attack up make Nogu’s special 495% =460% + 35%. So attack up is a very underwhelming skill. To summarize, your nogu is 1200 stats with 495% vs erlang 1400 stats with 475%, no surprise erlang hits harder

Lol. You’re the incorrect one. Attack buffs are not extra damage to the skill percentage. Extra damage to skill % already has its own boost that’s called “Extra damage to special skill”.

Attack buffs affect base stats. Attack up and defense down are the first base stat multipliers that the game has had for years. Growth is not the only thing affecting base stats. The difference lays on the duration and ailments. Because unlike Growth, attack bufs have duration and can be negated by defense down or cleanses that are specitic for buffs/ailments while Growth are somewhat permanent and can only be negated by Wither, or a cleanse that’s specific for that.

Nobu in that case above does have the attack stat boost. Otherwise, he wouldn’t even have +xxx on top of his BASE stat. What do you think the + is displayed above the base stat for? :yawning_face:

Never seen an incorrect correction more incorrect my whole life.

Many people have misunderstanding on attack up. if you do tile damage, yes it works the same as if you change the base stats higher. However if you use special, the formula is different, your attack up just adds to the special itself, your base stats remains the same.

If you think it’s different, you can experiment, for example, you can use boldtask to give 40% attack up to joon’s 468% special. If 40% does affect base stats, joon would be hitting 40% harder; however if 40% only adds to 468%, it’s less than 10% harder only.

Joon hit without attack up, experiment 4 times:
737 771 743 793 average about 761

Joon attack with toon boldtask’s 40% up, experiment 3 times:
868 837 811 average about 838

838 = 761x 1.10

So if base stats is 40% up, the result would be roughly 40% up, but here we only see about 10%.

Conclusion: attack up have very underwhelming effect on hard hitting specials. You can roughly think of it as adding attack-up percentage to special skill.

The most significant use cases for attack-up is on Titan, because Titan is mostly normal tile damage, when attack up is applied to the entire team, it adds up significantly. For hard hitting special however, attack up is almost negligible, you are much better off bringing defense down rather than attack up heros.

It is the use of the %sign in this game that messes things up. They could skip the %sign in basic damage. I.e. mention only does 490 damage. That way the % can be used correct when the meaning is does x more damage with special skill or attack up etc

I pulled nogu today… But as he is 1 year old… He’s not outdated, but he isn’t at the top of my want list. I’m not disappointed… He’s definitely useful… But i don’t know that I’m going make a 5* troop just for him.

I just pulled him and he doesn’t look that good to me. I have other green to level up, but wondering which one to level first. I recently pulled:
Bonzo, Theodosius, Wanya and Nogu. In what order would you guys level them up? Thanks in advance.

Nogu is still useful in certain situations. But you have newer heroes with better stats. Theodo is a very good hero, so he is my choice. You need to level him up.

nogu will have a place on my team. He’s only a year or so old… which unfortunately makes him really f’n old in this game… but he can still contribute.