No Tome of Tactics

I got stuck for more than 3 months with only 3*, no 4* stars for almost 6 months (i got 2 5* before that) It was very frustrating…

My husband (who started at the same time) got 4* and 5* heroes faster than me, he has more tomes… But fewer blades…

I actually finished it the first time with 3* (I was lucky enough to have gunnar + brienne + belith early in the game). It require luck though, I lost the first attempt.


I had very little luck with healers for the longest time… I got Isarnia before I got Sha ji, if you can believe it… Belith, gunnar came from my tc20… And i was too noob to be able to carpet bomb… so, many rotations without finishing the last level of the quests


It took me almost a year before I was able to complete some of those quests. Keep growing, keep trying and one day you’ll be very happily surprised when you succeed!


That’s the trick. Get to level 30, stronghold 20 and a tp that’ll allow you to finish third level emblem, rare quest and challenge events. Then your progress speeds up. I strongly recommend the vip package for newcomers ( atleast first three months for second builder… which costs $20). I strongly recommend atleast a ten pull in Atlantis to gain some heroes to level as well the first three months. If you don’t want to spend a cent on this entertainment it’s pretty tough to “kick ■■■■” before a years time. To some it might be fine but too me what’s $100 dollars for something entertaining me for countless hours.


The big players started when the drop rates was BETTER, that is how they are full of ascension items.

No it’s not the reason they have more accession items. The big players have the goods because they worked hard and made better choices to get to where they are. I started this game January 1/19 and have built a solid roster of six teams. Here’s what I’ve noticed and what I suggest. Buy vip for a total of $20 I got the second builder for 3 months and in that time had my stronghold level 20. If you buy gems wait for the “special offers” and there is a lot that are decent with AM. Don’t level 5* concentrate on 4* no matter what until you can complete special events and third stage emblem quests( logical but have seen tons of people slow their progress by this). It really isn’t that hard and the drop rates aren’t that bad for 4* when you have none in the beginning. Most importantly, join a guild that fights titans slightly better than your level to “work into” better drops. Secondly, and more important- move up in a new guild to fight bigger titans when you can ( big mistake I see people make is sticking around to be an “all-star” and think your getting better loot for A on a 5titan not realizing C on a 9titan is better loot). This RNG rewards progress and will feed your “needs” but if you want to amass all kinds of heroes and beat up titans/war opponents your overmatched against you’ll get terrible drops Forever.Get into diamond for the better drops as soon as possible… which took me a little over 3 months by leveling four stars-embleming a few as stated above. It’s a simple game with a simple metric plane and simple. By the way, have the Matt’s for 2 purples 2 reds 2 blues 2 greens and almost 2 yellows 5 . Not really worried about more either as just about to jump to a guild fighting 12*.


i finally got my second!!


nice… did it almost the same, but to be honest i am nowhere near 2 of each 5s AM,
i just got my first 6 tonics and telescopes and waiting for the others to make a rainbow…
maybe my luck just went into the summons and not the AM :rofl:

but well done!
Good luck furthermore


Frieda has been waiting MANY months for that time of tactics. She’s very grateful :grin:


i will ascend justice at last…next week that shiloh desert is going to be released and acquire the last darts i need…

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I have been waiting for the farholme tome quest for like 2 months, and when it finally arrives and i finish the quest and get my tome, what do i get in my very next chest?.. yep, got to love this games sense of humour


I remember when I couldn’t get an orb of magic if my life depended on it … 33 now and counting!

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Alliance Swap Meet with SH26 please. I have 13 Tomes, 21 gloves, still waiting for final Royal Tabard! Khiona has been 3-70 since HoM. At least we’re taking down 11*s to help loot tiers! #SevenDaystilPayDay

There’s no sign of interplayer trading. We have seen a v1.0 of the “Alchemy Lab” in beta, which allows you to transform on 4* ascension mat into another. Many issues with that implementation, though, so we’re hoping to see a refined version soon. Keep an eye on the “Beta Beat” and its successors.


This thread makes me think back to when I was in the same boat. (I list consumed items here) Although, I was less than 4 months new into the game. From the 3 I was able to ascend up to that point in Feb, I’ve acquired 14 and used up to this point for a total of 17 maxed heroes. It’ll come, but I think it takes more than an hour a day of playing to better your chances.

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Frustrated - no tomes in loot in nearly 9 months!

I’m so frustrated by certain aspects of this game…but by far, the most frustrating for me is the lack of certain ascension materials, especially the things needed to get my 5-Star heroes up to their maximum levels.

The worst for me is the TOTAL ABSENCE OF THE TOME OF TACTICS in any loot or other award for NEARLY NINE MONTHS!

I play the game multiple times per day, and I participate in every event, every war with my alliance, and every Titan). I literally go for every challenge and chest In short, I’ve been a very regular (and significant spender), and yet because I haven’t received a Tome of Tactics in so long (other than the one I had to BUY earlier today, for $20!) I now have FIFTEEN different 5-Star heroes, that have been JUST SITTING AT LEVEL 4-70 FOR MONTHS!

The lack of Tomes is the worst, because all heroes need it to ascend. Yet there are people in my Alliance who somehow have them in abundance.

Anyone else out there having the same catastrophic lack of Tome of Tactics?


I just wait for anything that gives a guaranteed Tome and do it. I do not really expect any 4 star ascension mats because expecting it all the time just to be constantly disappointed is mentally draining. I would rather have patience and chase the one that will be given to me (ala the rare quests) rather than being in an rng bracket to get a chance at getting one just to be disappointed. If one out of a chest or an rng source, awesome! If not, I just move on to the next one.


I have a few tomes, some people on here have tons. I definitely get bottlenecked on other mats, though. Whether it’s tomes, compasses, gloves, tabards, hidden blades, etc., at some point most of the average players will not have enough of one item they need (though yes there are also several on here who will boast about having dozens of everything, take that with a grain of salt, most of them have been playing forever and killing 12* titans and lots of other advantages that the typical player probably doesn’t have).

Like Aunty says, the best thing to do in this situation is wait for the guaranteed mat quests. Yes they are rare and yes that means you will be waiting a long time, but that’s kind of par for the course in this game.


Bump because I seriously lack tomes. Got 4 dblades in a matter of 2-3 days a couple weeks back, but no tomes.


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