No rematch on 50 trophy raids when you lose the raid

[Edit, nope you were right the first time]

I’ve been playing the game since July 2017 and I’ve always been able to use my rematch against opponents that yield a high level trophy payout even if I lost. Changing the behavior even if fixing a bug has jarred the experience for me in a negative way. Raiding is the one thing I’ve really enjoyed and now its a letdown. I appreciate your reply and the discussion on this topic.

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I can understand the draw to raid people where you are in a situation that your cup payout will be large. And that still exists. If you match someone 250 cups above you, you will still get 45+ cups if you win. And you would still come out ahead if they revenge you as they probably wont get more then 18 cups in return.

However, it is not fun for the person defending if you are able to relentlessly raid them with no penalty. Thus the need for matching limits. If you are able to rematch someone 3 times, lose twice, win once, lose the revenge and STILL come out ahead on cups, that is not a fair or fun system in my opinion.

Just because a bug existed for a long time does not mean it should not be fixed.

On a different note, raiding has always been fun for me for the challenge of facing different defenses that test my own hero development. The food and iron rewards have been great secondary rewards. Cups have always been a tertiary reward. If you are not trying to be top 10 or top 100, then why care about your cup wins/loss. The fun in raiding then is the challenge of taking down a well established defense. Of course this is entirely my opinion.

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I tried several rematches a few days ago that kicked me back out to the Raid screen, instead of the revenge screen. I’m wondering if it’s related…

As always, once you are convinced it’s an error, you can contact Game Support:

Came on here to post about this as well. It’s getting very annoying.

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Not sure what bug you think was fixed. If you have 4000 cups and lose against someone with 5 cups, you’d only lose, and they’d only win, 61 cups. The 280 limit makes the maximum difference 50 cups. Not a huge difference between 50 and 61.

Empires fair… you gotta be joking.

Who’s to say this wasn’t the intended behavior and not a bug? Several months of this style and now the rules of the game change unannounced or maybe under the guise of “various bug fixes and smaller improvements.” though suspect it was back-end change not requiring a client update.

To note, this (new?) “bug” has you [Zero] as number 1 in the rankings since it was “fixed”. I guess it follows along the same lines of, “if you can’t beat them just change the rules of the game, err I mean fix bugs…” LOL

It wasn’t the intended behavior because

  1. it was stated there should be a 280 cup max when matching raids. That was it. Not a “280 cup max when matching raids, but if you lose you get to re-attack no matter how big the cup difference is over and over again”. (revenges are different, obviously)

  2. they changed it.

Most likely the reason it hadn’t been fixed is that it was lower down on the priority list - it wasn’t working as intended, but it didn’t break parts of the game like things like mystic vision not working, leveling bugs, etc. So it had to wait until higher priority bugs got fixed. That’s how software development works.

Let me ask you this, let’s say it’s the middle of summer and your lawnmower breaks, a bird flies into your window and cracks it, a kid throws a rock and breaks your outside light, and your sump pump stops working causing potential water damage in your basement. Oh and also, the paint on your front door is peeling. Now most people will probably fix the sump pump first, then a mix of lawnmower/window/outside light, and the when they have time re-paint the front door.

Now if it takes a month or two to finally get around to painting the front door, would you imply that the people living there intended to have a crappy looking door, just because they chose to prioritize other home improvements? Or like most rational people, would you assume it was just further down the list and the got to it when they could. Same thing applies here.

and FYI, Zero has been bouncing around in the #1 slot at least since Sept and will most likely continue to. This was not a recent “OMG newbs with crappy teams can’t lose 4 raids win once and still win cups, hahaha!”.


Hmm I’m guessing changing the rules of the game extends to this forum since my reply was flagged and hidden by the community. I’ll just end by saying don’t insult my intelligence, I know how software development works and also know when a confidence trick is in-play. My only hope is that the development team, whoever it might be here or there, pause and reflect on their own actions and how that impacts their paying customers.


So appartntly i have only been 1 for a week or 2. And I am the ONLY E&P player this affects. Good to know…

Then you should know that there is a design. If something goes against the design, its a bug. Simple. Nothing complicated about that. If you want to exploit that bug, SG has a policy about that. If this was not a bug then it would have been included in the design and would not be fixed. If you would like to go into “conspiracy theories” about whatever it is you are trying to imply you are free to do so. But that is how software and game development works.

This is more of a question about the feasibility of the current raid structure. Which is an entirely different discussion (i disagre with many things on how the raid structure is setup). My point is purely that a bug was fixed that allowed you to be attacked multiple times even if you fell out of the 280 cup limit.

If people want to be able to match outside the 280 cup limit, thats a fair ask, but then truly open it up. Dont have these buggy ways of doing it.

If “never attack anyone at more/less than 280 cups from you” is a hard rule, then:

  1. should apply every time, including for revenges.
  2. there should be no ‘Rematch’ button in the situation described by @sirlord. It is a bug to press ‘Rematch’ and not be offered a rematch.

@Xero786, if someone having 280 cups less than you attacks you, then:

  • he could win. You’d lose 51 cups.
  • he could lose, rematch and lose again, then rematch and win. From the three fights, you’d lose 34 cups.

Except the 2nd situation is not possible anymore, and you think a bug was fixed???

If you’re referring at your previous post being hidden, then I don’t think any employee necessarily intervened. I read it before it was hidden, and IMHO it wasn’t an angry enough post to be hidden. :slight_smile:

And if you’re referring to something else, then to what?

Kahree - he accused me of being a 2nd forum account for Zero and was basically insulting (can’t remember the exact phrasing since I read it and ignored it as child-like, non-rational ranting, but something to the effect of “how stupid are you guys and how stupid do you think I am”). It was basic conspiracy theory gibberish and not adding anything to the discussion of raids, just personal insults.

Now as for raids, the intent stated awhile back was

  1. raid initiation should be +/- 280 cups.
  2. if someone beats you, you get to revenge regardless of cups.

That’s exactly what we have now. The previous way it had been, where you could click rematch (which is initiating a raid) if you fell outside the 280 cup, was not working as designed. It was a bug.

You don’t think they should have fixed the bug. Got it. But that doesn’t make it any less of a bug. What you’re asking for is a design change. Which is a perfectly reasonable ask; customers ask design changes of software developers all the time. But don’t pretend it’s something that it’s not.

EDIT - lol if you actually knew Zero, he is the least egotistical excellent player I’ve seen in a game like this.

Besides the fact that absolutely zero SG employees have commented on this thread; this sort of ad hominem attack against multiple responders effectively debases your entire argument.

@Rook @Coppersky I would suggest this thread should be closed.


@Dante2377, @Revelate defending your alliance brother when he’s wrong (even if it’s not about an important matter, IMO) debases your arguments. Or something like that.

Where was that stated? It’s a bad idea, anyway.

Currently there’s a bug or two, as described in my previous post. Not sure if any bug was fixed at all.

Leans forward to keyboard Wrong.

You insulted me first by defining the life-cycle of software development using an example of a broken lawnmower, cracked window, broken outside light and the peeling of front door paint oh and in the middle of summer (to add more adult-like, rational thinking for illustration).

How does that contribute to the discussion of raids? Lets face it you didn’t agree with my reply when in fact it was the same analogy you so elegantly tossed my direction but reversed for the forums consideration.

Never once I have said anything about conspiracy theories as it relates to this game or audience. You really need to go back and re-read my posts.

@Coppersky @Rook a 2nd call to close this thread as we’re close to, if not already, violating forums rules abput civility


Go ahead and close the thread if you want to keep truth hidden.