Dear all,
I’m fairly new to the game, having played for some 7 weeks. My stronghold level is 15, however, i can’t find any option to build a third training camp. All i could build is iron storage, food storage and forge. Kindly advise.
Dear all,
I’m fairly new to the game, having played for some 7 weeks. My stronghold level is 15, however, i can’t find any option to build a third training camp. All i could build is iron storage, food storage and forge. Kindly advise.
Do you already has a barrack?
You should convert back barack to Training Camp, then convert one of your forge to Barrack, thats what community suggested.
Try moving your buildings around. I noticed that the building spots are restricted to certain buildings
See @jinbatsu’s suggestion. Did you build a barracks over a training camp? That is most likely the issue.
At any given level every player will be forced to have the same amount of each type of building. The only variable is which building type the player decides to turn into a barracks.
It’s been a while since is went they the building process. Without seeing a screenshot of the OPs camp, my guess is @jinbatsuis correct and the barracks is covering a training camp.
I only have 1 barrack at level 4 which i need to train troops. I also have 1 forge. I guess i’ll build another forge, convert it to barrack then to training camp if it’s possible.
you can place a barracks over:
…so long as that building is lvl 5, i believe.
At Stornghold level 15, you should have 4 Forges, so 3 forges and 1 forge for barrack. But it’s up tou your playstyle, you can just build 2 forges, one for barrack, and one for your items production.
The point is not converting Training Camp as Barracks, because Training Camp is valueable, and more TC you have is still more valueable.
Thanks much everyone! I’ll try that tomorrow since both my builders are busy.