Not sure who to go with next. I’m leaning towards Saoirse because I feel they would be a bigger boost to my red team and especially my titan team. I don’t intend to replace Elizabeth on my defense but I am slightly concerned that the upcoming gargoyles could shift the meta away from minion/fiends enough that Emilio would be a better fit. FWIW, I’m P2E/P2P.
Thanks in advance for any advice
If you have other ailments blockers maxed then I would max Saoirse but if you don’t have other ailments blocker the Emilio will be better choice.
slow mana hero tend to be suck.
i choose the one if i were u
I have both, Emilio is maxed already and the only reason I’m going to max Saoirse, is because I have other slayers. I’d say she is will serve you well at 3-70 for titans. If you don’t have other slayers she is likely not worth it.
That being said Emilio is best when paired with Russell, GM, or JF.
I have the same query.
I just got my 6th Ring from Mt Umber. I have both Saoirse and Emilio on 3/70
My other red 5’s are Margaret LB+, Nadezdha, JF +20, Zim and Mitsy. I have Marjana too, but no costume.
I run both Falcon and Wilbur for the two defense-downs vs green titans, so Saoirse would add some bulk and tile damage.
I don’t have any of the 5* Slayers, but I do have Aodhan (red) and Orla (green) maxed to use together on other events.
I don’t have any heroes that give immunity to status ailments (although I did get Aeron from the Black Friday portal)
Saoirse at 3/70 is exactly the same tile damage (620) as Wilbur at +7, which is weak.
ho hum… what to do, what to do…