Next heroes to level while on a summoning break

Hello guys!

Need some input here… will be taking a break from pulling frequently for a few months and wanted to prioritize my projects

Let me know the top 5 heroes to level next. A team of 5 for war depth.


Jott, Peters, C. Gormek, Azmia, Proteus, Junaid, Scoratek, Ana-Belle, Griffin, Anton in the 4*

and if you have the mats for them and no other 5* to save mats for, I would build

Onatel, Tahir, Celidana, Grace, Morax,

I would feed Carol away unless you are collector… and maybe gobbler unless you really wanted more minion removal

If mats are limited then I need to apply a different filter here knowing what mats you have and don’t have for ascension.


Thanks for the feedback! Mats are not an issue. I have got enough mats for all.

Are your suggestions in any order? For example, Jot is the 1st to be leveled out of the 4*?

Depends on what you have already, so I would either focus on the 5* or I some key 4* - healers (Ana-Belle, Ptolomey, Azmia - she is also a counter-attacker) and mana controlers (Proteus and Peters). And C. Gormek as minion counter.

From those that you have I use successfully Ana-Belle, Ptolomey and C Wu-Kong (if you have better hitters, you can skip him). I have Anton maxed, but he did not work great for me. Junaid was okish, but not great.

I still use Hansel (Peters could replace him).

Jott is good if you focus on titals.


If mats are not an issue and you want to build another team of 5 exclusively with what you have listed for War only in rainbow format?

Then I would do this:

C. Gormek, Proteus, Onatel, Azmia, Grace

Minion Removal, Mana stop, Mana steal, Heal+Counter attack, Hits 3 - fast - stops taunt

You have a lot of good heroes. Eventually all of them would be leveled, minus Carol…

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Thanks guys! I will start with Proteus and C Gormek!