Next green to ascend? (Poll)

Appreciate advice on which 5* green to ascend next. I’ve got Ratatoskr and Tarlak at 3-70 and Eiora & Fluffy at 2-60 and just got a Tome of Tactics so time for the next green to go all the way.

For context, I’ve ascended three green 5* heroes (C-LotL, Xandrella and Frigg). I’ve got Wu-Kong but wondering about Tarlak as an alternate, I appreciate Jott on my blue Titan team and wonder about Rat for my green playing a similar role, and of course E&F is a strong minion-destroying sniper. So what say you? My strong greens pictured below the poll

  • Ascend Tarlak (current 3.70)
  • Ascend Ratatoskr (current 3.70)
  • Ascend Eiora & Fluffy (current 2.60)

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definitely not Tarlak, he works just fine at 3-70. Appreciate peeps have said Elora & Fluffy and you have Lotl as a healer, but Rat gets my vote, Elora & Fluffy never given me any issues whatsoever.

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I’m with @Hubertpoobert with Tarlak. He was my first pull from FS and he’s been great on titans at 3.70 for me. No immediate plans to bump him up.

Of the 3, I would go with squirrel as well. Does it have to be a nature hero getting that Tome of Tactics though? Might be better used elsewhere, depending on who you got in other colors. Or holding might be an option.