Next Atlantis Rises: February 4: Atlantis Calendar/Schedule/Date & Guessing Returning HOTM and Featured Atlantis Heroes

What I can not understand is because they do not publish freely the order in which they plan to take them out, I’ve been waiting for Hel for two months and collecting gems, I’m C2P, I only buy small offers, what do I do now? I would really like to have Frida, but not above Hel I have much more need of a dark, will it come out? It will not come out? When? Not knowing me as C2P mw seriously harms and bothers me because I do not understand the reason for so much secrecy. @petri sinks me not being able to have a spending strategy, I do not understand the reason for not disclosing it to the community

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I’ve been in the same boat as you. I finally decided that for myself, if I really want the current hero of the month I’m going to pull for that one instead of the old HOTM that’s featured in atlantis. The reason for that decision is simple: it’s far easier to get a HOTM when they first come out, rather than later when they come back in atlantis.

That said, here’s some information that may help you to decide:
King Aurthur is a blue 5* that’s almost identical to Frida in usage, and he comes around every five months as part of the Knights of Avalon event.

Att: 708
Def: 733
Hp: 1336
Special: Average mana; deals 468% damage to the target. The target gets -39% att. The target gets -54% defense against ice for 4 turns. The caster gets +74% defense against special skills for 4 turns.

Since Frida is still in beta I can’t give you her stats, but it sounds like you already have an idea what what she has. Tomorrow you’ll be able to compare her better with Aurthur.

Proteus is known as “mini hel” because he has the same mana control that she does. Depending on your roster you may feel content to wait on Hel if you manage to pull Proteus.

Another tidbit: frida will still be the HOTM when March’s Atlantis opens up. If Hel is in the March atlantis portal you’ll be able to pulll for both of them at the same time.

Whatever you choose I wish you luck!

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I will never have any of what you have mentioned … I am very bad luck F2P.
And I am saving my gems from Jan to next Xmas. Wont waste any in summons I know I wont get any thing from doing em.

Same. I think about MN. :blush:

but the atlantis coins should be used; so why not when GM and other game_changer appears :wink:

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Does anyone know if there’s enough of a pattern to predict if ariel will be available again in march? I plan to pull for her and poseidon when they come out together, but the april HOTM that’s in beta doesn’t excite me so I’m really hoping to pull during March’s atlantis.

I had not thought that Atlantis came out again in March, thank you! I have proteo and I love it! He is a bit soft but able to turn a game around when he survives. As for Frida I have seen the letter and I like it clearly, besides arthur is very very difficult to obtain. What happens is that really blue I have Isarnia and Magni and dark only Domitia so although Frida I love Hel would do more for me in this world plagued by Guins. At least I have the option of waiting for the next atlantis, which I had not thought of. Even so I insist, that I do not understand why secrecy, especially in relation to old hotms

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I absolutely agree that they ought to give us some sort of calendar as to which hero will come out when. We could speculate all day why they haven’t done so, but it just boils down to us wanting the calendar—or at least knowing one month in advance. Hel came out during the first atlantis, yet heroes who came out after her have gotten a second run already. Why the wait? Part of me wonders if it’s random.

Authur is a meanie who always escapes me >_>. I’m not getting my hopes up that frida will be nicer.

my guess for march is Zeline, GraveMaker
and Atomos, Poseidon

pattern 1 = x, x+6
pattern 2 = y, y+2
pattern 3 = z, z+4
pattern 4 = t, t+7

atlantis 1 pattern 1 1,7 heroes
atlantis 2 pattern 2 3,5 heroes
atlantis 3 pattern 1+1 2,8 heroes
atlantis 4 pattern 1+2 3,9 heroes
atlantis 5 pattern 2-1 2,4 heroes
atlantis 6 pattern 3 6,10 heroes
atlantis 7 pattern 4 4,11 heroes
atlantis 8 pattern 3+1 9,13
atlantis 9 pattern 1
atlantis 10 pattern 1
atlantis 11 pattern 1
atlantis 12 pattern 1
atlantis 13 pattern 1
atlantis 14 pattern 1
atlantis 15 pattern 1
atlantis 16 pattern 1
atlantis 17 pattern 1

a1 1,7
a2 3,5
a3 2,8
a4 3,9
a5 2,4
a6 6,10
a7 4,11

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 6, 4,
7, 5, 8, 9, 4,10,11,

9,10,13,16,11,22,22 ++

5, 0, 3, 2, 1,-2, 0 –

8, 8,10,12, 6,16,15 +

6, 2, 6, 6, 2, 4, 7 -

14,10,16,18, 8,20,22

And Proteus means Poseidon? :thinking:

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yes :)) :blush: thx :stuck_out_tongue:

Theory: New event Wonderland. So a lot of the spenders already got Kunchen, and Frida will be available in March Atlantis too. Thus they decided to submarine February Atlantis.

But Atlantis lasts till the weekend, and Frida is already available tomorrow.

To me it looks as if they gave really not a single thought for it. This is repelling the spenders rather than attracting them.

I know atlantis started today but i am pretty underwhelmed by the selection of the heroes.
So does anyone know when next portal comes up and will it be still in march to have a shot on Frida, or will it be in April?

So based on the pattern where Aeron and Mushy came up what is the most likely returning heroes of the month for March Atlantis?

At appears to be always 4th Thursday of the month, so 28 March is most likely for the next Atlantis.

Hel and Alby would be a dream.

But I’m guessing:
Atomos, Poseidon
Hel, Natalya

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It is almost assuredly going to be two of the following

Hel, Alberich, Thoth-Amun, Perseus, Natalya, Zeline, Delilah or Alasie. Small chance of Gravemaker but I’d say the others are more likely.

I would suggest Natalya and Zeline/Alberich.
Just by the fact that the last green and red hero of the month was in Atlantis 4.
In 5,6 and 7 was always a yellow, so i think no delilah there.
Alasie, Toth, Hel and Perseus with small chances.

But thanks to the reply that it seems to open again in march.

I don’t give mind to Atlantis or the troll old hotms. I spent atlantis coins asap any way. And got the teets dude

Will be good food for Joon.
When ever Joons decide to come.


Hel/Alasie, Alberich next month with Posieden and Atomos/Ariel

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