Next 5* yellow: drake or inari?

Hi guys!
I got my sixth pair of darts today and I have to choose between drake and inari for my second yellow 5* . I only have guinevere maxed.
What do u suggest?

Drake is super good with the hit 3 and blind. I think Inari’s more situational. I’d go Drake first.

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I’m not very familiar with inari, but I have Drake, and he is good for EVERYTHING. I rarely go anywhere without him :slight_smile:

As usual it depends on your priorities. Let’s break it down

Titans - Inari has mega tile damage, the highest of all yellows and second in the whole game. Special skills wise, they are both similar in usefulness as they help avoid the titans special. Inari’s dodge has a higher chance to miss and generate a fox minion. Point for Inari

Raid Offence - You will be bringing either heroes in as a yellow stack vs. a purple tank, the most common in the current meta being Kunchen, occasionally an Aeron. Assuming Kunchen lives long enough to fire, what would each hero’s special do? If Drake has already hit first Kunchen would dispel the blind and result in a defence down on your whole team. If Drake fires after Kunchen goes off, Drake will blind and do a less amount of damage. If Inari is able to fire her special off first, then she would protect your team. In the case of Aeron, both won’t do much, but at least Drake will deal a small amount of damage. Advantage Drake, but just by a fraction.

Raid Defence - On defence they are again both solid. However given that you have Guin maxed, she will likely be your tank and it is unlikely you would be bringing a second holy hero.


So, your vote is for inari? Drake is already 3/70 by the way…

My main priority in this game is Titans, so for me it would be 100% Inari as she would form part of the most optimum team vs. a purple titan.


i have both of them maxed. drake being the first and Inari the second maxed yellow 5*. i am a big fan of both and you won’t regret leveling either of them. if i were to choose i guess i would also go for Inari first


What a good problem to have! Agreed that Inari is your best choice, could always wait a couple days till Atlantis if youre pulling to see what Posedion ends up being like if you’re lucky enough to get him.
But to answer you question Inari wins over drake with already having guin.

As some of them suggested.

You already have Guin, so defense is not your main concern.

Titans - Inari is better

Offense - Drake is better, you have better control on the aim as well as the elemental buff and also the blind

What does Poseidon do exactly? Is he supposed to be better than both of them?

I am mainly focused on events/titans :wink:

Then probably Inari is the better choice since you can use mana pots and also the bosses have a much longer life.

I’d go Drake as you lack a holy 5* that can help with damage. Also, I think drake is just as good vs titans with his link bringing up attack and defense for all of your holy, Inari does have high tile, but her special tends to waste some time, which isn’t great vs titans. I’m also a fan of knowing what I’m getting and Inari is more of a gamble hero.

Poseidon is yellow 5* and this could change but here’s stats I have. 745,718,1349. 450% damage to target. All allies immune to negative mana effexts for 4x. All allies immune to effects that block special skills for 4x. This could change upon release. If you want to see a weaker version of him, try S2 l19.10, he’s the boss. Or just tap his icon to get idea of skills without fighting.

Btw, I’d go with drake first but inari is good I just think drake is slightly better overall.

I have both and would go for Drake as he’s an overall well rounded hero vs Inari who can be a little squishy and slightly unreliable.