Next 5* purple to ascend

I have to decide which of my next 5* dark heroes to ascend. I already have Jabberwock and the Dark Lord ascended. I have Hel, 2nd Jabberwock, Quintus, Hannah and Satana to choose from. Was going to lvl Hel but then I got Hannah. Any suggestions?

Hel. Without hesitation. First hotm and after all this time, still one of the best heroes on offense.
Manacontroll is one of the most valuable skills, and shut down 3 completely and doing damage is huge.
Hannah is nice, her Atk- with fiends is good and rare in dark, she is pseudo fast with her realm bonus. But in the end she just does some damage and the Atk- fiends will sometimes be useful, but nowhere like manastop for 3.


Ditto what @ferg said, definitely Hel…

Is there any part of the game you’re struggling with? Or where do you want the most improvement?

I can’t disagree with those above about how great Hel is, but I’d still consider Hannah. I’d be more excited about Hannah joining my team than Hel. Hel will make PvE stages much easier.

I agree. I have both Hel and Hannah. I have been using Hannah a lot more lately. I mainly just use Hel on event levels with strong bosses. But for everyday raids, Hannah is always on the team.
I have been using Krampus, Onyx, Hannah, Elizabeth, Cobalt and really enjoying that team.


Hel and Hannah are both great (I only have Hannah), but I would ask whether you have Proteus. If you have Proteus for mana control I would likely focus on Hannah then Hel. If you don’t have Proteus, I’d go Hel then Hannah. Although I really enjoy Hannah and use her all the time, mana control really comes in useful in events, quests, and tournaments.

This is one of those unusual situations where you don’t necessarily ascend the one you’ll use the most. The question is who can easily be replaced? When you need a mana controller, you really need one, and Hel is the best. When you need a damage dealer Hannah may be great but decent substitutes exist. As Exceleron says, if you have Proteus then you have a Hel substitute so maxing her is not such a priority. (She’s still better because her stats are stronger, of course, but he will do the job perfectly well.) But if you don’t - it’s Hel every time, and twice on Sundays.

I have two maxed Proteus and one in the sock in case I decide a third would be useful, but if I got Hel I’d still probably drop everything else for her, even now. Probably. Hannah is gorgeous though. (I don’t have her either - yet.)

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