News about the Rare Quests

When you can fill it by smashing low level titans…

We’re oscillating between 8-10* some tens like to make a dash for it still.

Idk, maybe a tiered titan loot for the chest would help? :thinking:

Then again whatever, nothing’s gonna change anyway lol. It’s just forum chat musings.


I understand that you don’t like the stingy attitude in this game, but the time they stated to double the chance we actually had 2 rare quest in a week, that means 4 ascension items in a week, two of them 4*.

Honestly, thats not bad at all.


And that was to make up for months of hardly ever getting rare quests it seemed like. I thought it generous to get boosted chances of rare quests, and I think one came JUST before the event started.

Then many were upset about rare quests + event active at the same time, lol.


Hi Dante,
Not sure if it is any of your personal experiences or something you heard from others but interesting you mentioned this today only.

Because that is exactly what happened to me today afternoon. As we all know It is already hard as it is to get these rare elemental wanted mission chests like once in a month or so and then when one is rewarded with loot like below with just easily farmable items and daily tokens, then it hurts

Personally it was a shock for me. I so far thought unlike daily chests and titan loots these elemental chests are at least guaranteed to give something good (as in unfarmable ascension materials, at a minimum like compass or fine gloves etc.) but now even that one chest which seemed like guaranteed goodies in this game is also gone for a toss for me. Other than Rare Quests these elemental mission chests were something to look forward to for most of us and it feels bad that they are slowly killing that hope too :pensive:
Thanks to RNG in literally almost every aspect of this game, we are just at the mercy of the amazing payouts planned for us by the devs lol. Yep, I got hit by their fist instead of the helping hand :wink:

P.S: I actually didn’t plan on posting anything here or so because nothing ever seems to change with the payouts except that they keep getting worse. And also I know I will anways be immediately told by most that “this is RNG and game design. everything is working as expected”. But I read your post earlier and just wanted to add some pictorial evidence to your statement and show everyone that it is not an IF but instead is a FACT and reality for some of us, that bad rewards like this are possible with the elemental chests too. I have to admit this is the first time it has happened to me with this specific chest type but I do hope it is the last.
Well all I can do at this point is wish that this doesn’t happen to anybody else anytime ever. Good luck to all and goodnight :grinning:


I was writing, when was rare quests are…
And that is;
21.12 common quest
23.12 yellow
28.12 purple
31.12 common quest
8.01 red quest
So, what we see:
Quests in 2018 are more rare.
I dont know, why. Maybe after last update there is a mistake in programm code, like it was some time ago, or just random is random)

Ps: this is all my writes. I dont remember what quests was till 21.12.17

Of all the dates of the chests you gave I received only the dark one in Dec and none since. The last one I had was in November when Toth was HOTM. I earned him from a epic token I received in that chest! Leads me to wonder if this is actually random? I rarely if ever get wanted mission chests.

Weeds is talking about rare quests, same for everyone. The rare chests are random.

Oh right, I see it now, my mistake.

Ok) i have info about rare chests)
My chests are one in two weeks.
I look after them till nowember)

Guess we were lucky - RNG. It can happen. I note that we then got nothing for the remaining 2 weeks after that.
Doesn’t change the point that doubling a low chance is still a low chance. It sounds better than what it really is.

Seeing as we had gone a few weeks with no chance of rare quests, an appropriate response is ‘here’s a guaranteed rare quest once a week for the next 4 weeks over an above normal random chance for them’. Instead we get ‘we’ll double the chance’. Luck determined we happened to get 2 that week.

I got 2x Epic summon tokens and pretty much nothing else of value in my last yellow rare mission.
I thought ‘oh goodie’.
Cashed in the 2x Epic summon tokens, and threw in 300 gems for an elemental summon while I was at it.
All 3*.

Whooptie do.

It’s the reason I stopped all spend on this game… Epic tokens aren’t worth the money (if you already have a mature team with some depth). Not much good as an event reward either, unless you’re lucky, or have a couple of dozen of them.

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I don’t know what’s up with these. The first two or three I got in the game were really fun. Some golden tokens, troop tokens, 2 rare ascension mats.

The last 4 or 5 I got (one yesterday) were only gray tokens and 1 3* ascension item.


The last one also I got 1 troop token and farmable 3* ascend item. didn’t get the rare item. is the rare item getting rarer?

Same here. I’m getting fewer (pretty much close to zero) golden tokens since about December.

I keep getting warm coats which is great considering I have no 5* blues. :frowning:

The devs stated they were “tweaking the randomness to have rare quests appear about once per week”. I think december is the ONLY month to actually get 4 rare quests since that statement was made.

WTH. If you want something to occur once a week, PROGRAM IT TO HAPPEN ONCE A WEEK. Why all the RNG nonsense if you want to occur regularly. I suggested that earlier to crickets. God forbid if you want something to occur every 1 week, you just program the game to make it happen. :confused:


I agree. Every call it Tuesday we should get a rare quest spawn if weekly is indeed the intended frequency (and that was stated when we had the snafu previously).

And this is rare quest discussion not sure how we got into rare chests?


Are you sure about “once a week”? I thought they said something about one chest at least every second week. But I don’t know where I read it, so maybe you are right.

Once a week for rare quest.

Rare chest tracking / data was a different thread but the only data I recall was about 3% of the time which works out to about once every two weeks.