New War Rule Undead Horde - Discussion

All heroes on both sides -

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@Dan7 Thanks for that link. Now this war support is interesting. Too bad, I donā€™t have those ideal heroes to enhance the skeleton minion.

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Time for Freya to shine once more!


Some proposed changes, I can read here and immediately decide whether I like it or not based on the information given.

This one? Iā€™ll have to wait and see for myself first.

I suspect it will probably benefit defense more than offense, and it will probably be annoying, because part of my offensive strategy is usually killing the minion spawners before they spawn minionsā€¦ and in this case that wonā€™t be possible. But! Since attackers get minions too, itā€™s possible I could actually work this to my advantageā€¦

Iā€™ll withhold judgment for now. Iā€™m sure my Noor will have some fun with this, at least.

Yes. Clarified in post #2 :slight_smile:


For example, the owner HP is 1000, and then the minion 's HP will be 100 which is 10% of owner.
If the owner got damaged and down the HP to 500, and then the minion appeared, how much the minionā€™s HP. Is it 10% of 1000 or 500?

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So who would be better in my defence with this new take on war ā€¦ I currently have left to right:

Costume Magni
Costume Joon

@Guvnor Am I better taking out JF and replacing with Red Hood to throw more minions? Both are at +9

I assume to a wide degree of certainty that it is 1000. Minions health always refers to max health of the hero.


Yes. It is % of base HP.

Health boosting also doesnā€™t change the amount of health of the minion.


Added some additional clarifications :slight_smile:


I would say no as the Undead Minions will replace the Fox minions if the get to 3 in play.

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why than in game is written every 5 turns? This language means is not n ( number defending heroes )?

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I may be a little bit out of topic, but Iā€™d like to ask if in this upcoming war is already sat the ā€œstronger elementā€ rule. I mean, Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s going to be a fixed rule that changes the strong element every war (or 2).

Dear Guvnor, this acceleration in the appearance of minions will only be due to a decrease in the number of defenders. So reducing the number of heroes in the attack team will not speed up the appearance of minions? Am I understanding correctly?


So for clarity, the rule applies every ā€œnā€ turns, where ā€œnā€ = number of defense heroes.

Since both sides gets minions every ā€œnā€ turns, does ā€œnā€ solely apply to defense teams, or both?

For example, if Iā€™m attacking and I have 2 heroes, and my opponent has 3 heroes, do the minions spawn every 2 turns or every 3?

Iā€™m assuming every 3 (based on defense team ā€œnā€), but just want to be sure.

Thanks all :grin:

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Looks like weā€™re asking the same question, you just worded it better @ArktikaTF

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So if it scales up as defense members die, I could see an increase in losing battles because of running out of time. If you have a high health last hero standing, they get a 10% heal per turn. if you donā€™t have snipers left this could be an issue. Maybe I read that wrong though on the scaling.

At first I thought it was simple, but after the explanation that Guvnor gave, a lot of questions arose. Now Iā€™m trying to figure out what the point is in such a proportional acceleration of the appearance of minions, if they will appear in both defenders and attackers. Where is the logic? Help me understand, friends! ))))))

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Iā€™m not sure, but on the surface, assuming minion production is based on defense team numbers only, if you have four heroes and the defender has two, and minions are coming every two turns, this could turn into a pure minion beat down. The defense team would have to be brutally efficient to overcome four offensive heroes and up to twelve minions.

Is can grimble remove this minions?

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